The Department of Marine Resources wishes to advise the general public that the Crawfish Open
Season will come to a close on the 1st of April 2021 and will reopen on the1st of August, 2021.
During this time the capture of crawfish or any other marine resource with the use of air compressors is prohibited and should not be found onboard any vessel at any time.
All crawfish traps must be stored on land and all processors, owner or operator of every hotel,
restaurant, supermarket or grocery store who buys or sells crawfish must file a report with the
Department of Marine Resources declaring the quantity in weight of frozen crawfish in their pos-
session at the date of closure.
Further note, All trapping permits, and permits authorizing the use of air compressors expires on
the 31st of March. Violators will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 244
Fisheries Resources (Jurisdiction and Conservation) and Regulations
The general public is advised to report all suspected violators and violations to the Department of Marine Resources. (Callers will be left anonymous)