The PLP was very kind to Lisa Bostwick Dean as she was sworn in as the FNM’s newest Senator in the Senate on Thursday 5 December 2019. No talk of swine at the trough that day. The Bostwicks have specialized as a family in obtaining all they can get from the FNM each time they are in power. The PLP issued a statement last week reminding the public that this year alone Janet Bostwick was given two national honours one a knighthood, the other making her Right Honourable and then Lisa Dean follows in the footsteps of her brother whose career was cut short when he was charged and found guilty of illegal ammunition possession and then of course Henry Bostwick, former Leader of the Opposition and former President of the Senate, who was censured by the House for lying on the former Deputy Prime Minister A D Hanna. None of that came up in the Senate last week. It was all sweetness and light and Carl Bethel tried his best to cover up the FNM’s embarrassment that they could not find someone else to feed at the public trough than yet another Bostwick.