“I always tell everybody, best cialis sales when those polls close on May 7, when the polls close for Centreville, the polls close for Marco City and for Fort Charlotte and Tall Pines the same time. Those votes are counted equally so I believe these men see themselves as equals to the ministers and in some cases the prime minister in the halls of Parliament, troche which is true, except the prime minister happens to be the leader of the PLP, the government of today.
“At some point in time you have to show respect for your leader of the party you belong to and to deviate from the lines in an extreme way could get you in difficulty with those who are the decision makers, so I would caution my younger colleagues not to be so exuberant in their thoughts and speeches in Parliament.
“What I don’t like personally is when people continue to say there are consequences. There are consequences for everything we do. I think that’s what (Mr. Moss and Dr. Rollins) take affront to. When you use the phrase ‘consequences for your decisions’ I think it angers them because it’s telling them, if you do x, y or z, I could do something else. Well then you threatening the fella. Even though you believe you are not doing it directly, the mere fact that you (are) saying there are consequences is a threat to his survivability as a member of Parliament associated with your party therefore if you continue in this vein, they may look elsewhere. Therefore, as election comes closer, as time goes on, if this conflict continues, I believe the rhetoric is going to heat up to a point where it’s going to be unbearable at times, where the guy is going to say you can’t tell me what to do, my views are different from yours, you don’t like it, go to hell.
“When you look at the inexperienced members who are in there, the ones who have their own point of view, these are intelligent, very articulate men, top of the line men, both of whom I believe have a good future in this country and who I believe are more than capable of making a worthwhile contribution towards the advancement of our country. Their views might seem to be adversarial with those who they contend with, but I think it’s just their point of view and they are cognisant of what they are doing, but there is a belief system within those two men. They believe what they say is right, therefore it’s difficult in their minds to separate what we are trying to achieve with what Parliament wants. I think they are very explicit and outward in their approach to politics. I think they see themselves as representatives of the people and of a new generation.
“ But the controversy is taking away from what the government is trying to achieve. We need to take a breath and sit down as mature men and women and say listen we have a problem
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. How are we going to solve this problem? Maybe it’s time to have a roundtable meeting with all concerned.”
“At this state in the political process it would be asinine for anyone to even think about kicking those men out of the party. I don’t see any major retribution that could take place. These are strong willed fellas and even if you get rid of them, they still have a voice in Parliament. If you were to attempt to do that you would only elevate the opposition. Then they would express their views as hard as they wish.”