Latrae Speaks At Fox Hill Meeting
Former Progressive Young Liberal Chairman Latrae Rahming spoke at the monthly meeting of the Fox Hill Branch of the PLP on Wednesday 23rd July, cialis usa view he told the branch: “For those of you who do not know who we are, viagra buy malady tonight, you will know for the very first time. Despite the fact we would have appeared to have loss our way, despite the fact we may appear to have exclusionary instead of inclusionary…. We are the people’s party… We are a labour party… We are a farmer’s party… We are a middle class party… and …We are a small business man’s party
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. Our mission is the development of political, social, and economic policies aimed at attaining the basic objective of a truly democratic society. We have one interest as a party, and that interest is the protection of the interest of the common man. We, the PLP, will always believe that hardworking Bahamian men and woman should never be left to the ravages of poverty. We, the PLP can never compromise on these principals. We, the PLP can never fall short of our responsibility of providing a safety net for the Bahamian people.” He was well received by his audience.