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Comment of the week


09/08/24 11:25 AM

This is a warning of sorts to PLPs, a reminder of what it means to lose power and be without power. In February 2007, with a General Election expected within months and despite an order from the Prime Minister, then Perry Christie that all ministers should use their official cars, Fred Mitchell abandoned his official car and began using his private car, which is a 1994 Camry, which, by the way, he still has.

There was a train wreck coming. Mr. Mitchell could see it.

He predicted it but organizations in political power are like a deer in the headlights at night. With the headlights in their eyes and of course, Mr. Mitchell often says he must have been speaking Greek. As it turned out,  Mr. Mitchell’s majority in 2002 of about 1200 votes was reduced in 2007 to 64. His opponent,  parachuted into the constituency 6 months before the election and almost took him out.

Mr. Mitchell had to spend an entire next day defending a seat in the recount with the FNM in control of the country. This was humiliating, and they made sure to rub it in.

On that night, as the results became clear, the FNM crowd around the polling station at St Augustine’s yard,  rushed Mr. Mitchell in his private car, assaulted the driver. They told Mr. Mitchell to get his a** out of the government car.

A police officer came and intervened and said this man was a former minister of  the government, and you must show respect. He sped away.

Mr. Mitchell recalls in 1992 when the assistant commissioner of police as he then was Ellison Greenslade, instructed by then commissioner of police Paul Farquharson, appeared in the FNM headquarters on Mackey Street to tell Hubert Ingraham that he was the new Prime Minister.

Mr. Mitchell later heard Hubert Ingraham say over the radio to Lyndon Pindling.  “the car gone the maid gone.” Indeed, they were, and one report is that when the Pindlings returned home to their house in Nassau, their private home, they met a police officer washing his car in the yard, and he informed them that they no longer had the right to live in their private home.

Sir Franklin Wilson provided Sir Lynden Pindling with a car until he could afford to get one.

You may recall how the 52 week programme people were summarily dismissed in 2017 when the FNM took over. Compare that to Perry Christie in 2002, protecting all the jobs that he met and again in 2012 of general service workers. Remember the broadcasters at ZNS, led by Obie Wilchcombe, who were fired at ZNS in 1992. Those are the consequences of regime change.

Fred Mitchell remembers as an attorney representing police officers who were called in by the national security minister of the FNM under Hubert Ingraham, senior officers who were supposed to have protected jobs and told to go home. The present commissioner of police and deputy commissioner of police suffered the same fate with others in 2017.

But what is the importance of these stories? Never mind all this sweet talk from the leader of the opposition, the FNM are cruel masters. Be warned people. And act in your best interests, We believe in all sincerity to the best of our knowledge, information and belief,  that in the general election, whenever it comes next, it is important to return the PLP to power.

Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 7 September 2024 up to midnight: 553,092;

Number of hits for the month of August up to Saturday 31st August 2024 up to midnight: 553,092;

Number of hits for the year up to Saturday 7 September 2024 up to midnight: 8,628,199;





09/08/24 11:19 AM

Next week this time on  Sunday 15 September 2024 at churches around the nation, the PLP will mark 3rd anniversary of its return to power in 2021.  There is much to applaud on that anniversary.  We are at the point where we are beginning to think about going to the electorate again.  We have miles to go before we sleep.  The Prime Minister has done an excellent job and we continue to support him and his team. Here is a summary of what’s been accomplished:

PM Davis got the hospital in Freeport started when FNM and Dr. Sands could not.

PM Davis upgraded over 51 healthcare clinics when the FNM could not see their way to upgrade 1 clinic.

PM Davis is fixing BPL when the FNM got nothing done in 4.5 years.

PM Davis signed 32 labour agreements when the FNM could not get one signed.

PM Davis is getting the houses in Abaco and Grand Bahama repaired when the FNM could not.

PM Davis is getting the Grand Lucayan sold when the FNM could not.

Over 29,000 jobs added to the economy in 21 months while the economy bled jobs under the FNM.

PM Davis delivered lower electricity rates when the FNM could not.

The tourism numbers are the highest and most impressive in history.

PM Davis Increased the minimum wage by 40%

PM Davis Reduced VAT by 2% from 12% to 10% when the FNM increased it by 60%

In what area of governance did the FNM out perform the PLP. I can’t think of any but if Dr. Duane Sands could produce and provide empirical evidence he is welcome to try.



09/08/24 11:17 AM

When the school bells rang across the nation, all schools opened on time Monday 2nd September 2024. Glenys Hanna Martin, the Minister for Education made sure of that. Congratulations to her and welcome back to the students.



09/08/24 11:14 AM

If you are in the international financial institutions and your bailiwick  is The Bahamas, you should be pleased to see the news.  The national debt is down by 200 million and The Bahamas government met to a significant degree its deficit slashing targets. The problem is the price that the population at large is paying:  hard tax compliance, arguments with the revenue people and payments being made in the midst of inflation which is eating away at pocket expenses.  The result is the unions are now complaining about things like they cannot get their overtime paid on time and business people are complaining that they have to wait months to get their bills paid by the Government.  It’s a choice countries make.  Landing up in the hands of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that then imposes harder choices on you is even worse.  So a little bit of pain now for a gain later on.



09/08/24 11:12 AM

Fred Mitchell warned PLPs with the following statement on Friday 6 September 2024 about self-injury:

There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get started. Good morning, Fred Mitchell, chair of the Progressive Liberal Party and MP for Fox Hill, Minister for the Foreign Service. Today is Friday 6 September 2024.  I’m in Sandilands Primary School today. I was at Doris Johnson on Wednesday in L W. Young on Thursday. I had a great time.

The chair of the PLP has 3 roles that I discern. One is cheerleader. Another is disciplinarian and another as a fundraiser. The success of the last fundraiser depends very much on how well he does the first and the second. The first, which is a cheerleader, is to promote the faith and defend the faith. The second is disciplinarian, it has to do largely with reminding the troops.

We have a legacy to protect, and we must. There must be order and no self-injury. Large parliamentary majorities in The Bahamas through history are inherently unstable. By this third year of the Pindling era, about 1970, the government had split over influence pedalling. In 1977, there was another split over public ethics.

By 1984, it was a commission of inquiry. By 1992, we were done even Hubert Ingraham, who seemed impregnable, the Übermensch, faltered after 1997 over succession. In both Christie administrations, there was internal disaffection over power and succession. In this is our third year, we must keep, therefore, a watchful eye on history. Philip Davis, the present prime minister has kept his coalition of 2021 together.

There’s no reason we can’t keep it that way if we defend the faith, keep discipline or discipline our behaviour, and raise money.

I speak now of the internal chats or repeating memes and videos which while it may appear to be a family matter or an act of political retribution,  the injury business means that it becomes  self-injury if PLPs are spreading it around.  What does it profit us to do so?

  The appeal here is to point out that injury to one is injury to all You may not like an individual or think that they should occupy a different space in the party, but we have a different space to deal with that problem other than the public domain.

Let no one fool you over these issues. The FNMs who are creating this stuff know that by infecting our minds with nonsense, they create disease, which will ultimately cause us the election through self-injury. Brothers and Sisters:

When you see this stuff, press, delete and move on, please, please.

Way back in 2017, I gave a speech at the Marathon Constituency just before election day. I warned PLPs: do not vote for the FNM people. People said they were worried about their jobs on the 52-week programme. I told them vote, PLP, and you have no problem.

What did the country do?  I must have been speaking Greek at that time.  They voted to put the FNM in and within weeks their jobs were gone. On the same night of the election, the police arrested, without cause, an incumbent PLP MP, put him in jail without bail, for the purchase of his own television set.

 Bros and sisters, I have seen the past, and I can see one possible vision of the future.

The FNM and its leadership are cruel masters. So be warned against self-injury,

 God bless you. God bless the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and remember press delete, and move on. Because across the country today. It’s PLP all the way.




09/08/24 11:10 AM

The PLP should take the position going forward that none of the leaders of the PLP should be seen with, or appearing on or with any principal of the Gand Bahama Port Authority until such time as they have paid the moneys owed and demanded by The Bahamas government.  It sends off a wrong signal to the population at large that the PLP is still comfortable with the perfidy of these folks at the Port.  Our simple advice.



09/08/24 11:04 AM

 A car accident in Nassau has claimed the lives of three brothers, Philip McCarron Christie, 24, Philip D’Caprio Christie, 23, and D’Angelo Christie, 20. The fatal crash occurred early Monday morning 2 September 2024 on Sir Milo Butler Highway, when their Honda Passport veered off the road and collided violently with a tree. The Prime Minister Philip Davis and the Chairman of the PLP both issued condolences to the families.  The Transport Minister issued a statement urging people to take more care on the roads.  Young men have a lower expectancy at birth than women.  They do because of three things: homicide, infant mortality and traffic accidents.  We keep preaching to these young men do not speed, stop drinking and driving, go home to your bed at slow speed.  Nothing seems to work. We don’t know what happened in this particular case but you can bet speed was involved. Now these three men are dead for no good reason.  What a shame.  We love them so much.  We want to protect them with our own lives but the young men have to help themselves.


Letters to the editor


In passing


09/08/24 10:58 AM

Fred Mitchell, Chairman of the PLP, gave general advice to party supporters and how as we face the general election of 2026 we need to conduct our affairs.  The piece reported in The Nassau Guardian by Taneka Thompson on 5 September 2024, based on a voice note to PLP supporters on 4  September 2024

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman Fred Mitchell said yesterday public figures who have “run into rough weather” should step back from the spotlight.

Mitchell, who made the comment in a voice note sent to supporters, did not mention any specific person by name.

“Last week, I spoke about the convention with regard to conflicts between personal issues and public duties and how they are to be resolved,” he said.

“Another valuable lesson is, those who were once public figures and have run into rough weather should understand the need to step back from the public stage and operate in the shadows if they must at all.”

Mitchell, who is minister of foreign affairs and the member of Parliament for Fox Hill, also weighed in on issues within the Free National Movement (FNM).

He accused the opposition party of copying the PLP’s candidate training module and questioned if the FNM’s new training process is a way to purge supporters of former Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis.

“When I was a child, there was an expression that we used to say ‘monkey see, monkey do,’” Mitchell said.

“There’s also an expression, ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’. That’s what gave me a good chuckle when Duane Sands, the chairman of the FNM, announced that they had copied the reforms of the PLP when we were in opposition, where no incumbent member has an automatic vie for a nomination and everyone has to go through a training module to qualify for a nomination.”

At a press conference on Monday, Sands said the party launched a training course for all aspiring candidates to ensure they are prepared to serve the country properly if elected.

He said every potential FNM candidate and incumbents, including the party’s leader and deputy leader, will be required to go through the program.

He also said incumbents will have to be vetted and go through the party’s internal selection process like every other aspiring candidate.

Mitchell said while the FNM’s training program seems like a good idea, he is cynical about it.

“Right now, I bet they are only doing this for one purpose and one purpose only and that’s to sanitize and purge the ranks of all MPs who did not support the now leader of the opposition, Michael Pintard, at that convention in the summertime,” he said.

“So you whistle and I’ll point. There’s a political target squarely on the backs of Hubert Minnis, former prime minister, and Iram Lewis, the MP for Central Grand Bahama.

“They didn’t get the memo, refused to drink the Kool-Aid, so now they are a target for elimination …”

Mitchell said the PLP’s own candidate training module will be announced shortly, adding that the party is almost finished with its midterm assessments.



09/08/24 10:54 AM

Kamala Harris is running for the presidency of the United States, Because she is a woman, she faces an uphill battle in a misogynist society. She is black and Indian mixed so she faces racism. She is married to a Jew.  That compounds the problem of American racism directed at her.  But despite all of that, Kamala Harris deserves to win the presidency of the United States.  She must win. The US should reject Donald Trump.  He is a mental cripple, a racist and a criminal.  He must be defeated. If ever the people of the US needed to employ the tools of the ballot box to defeat authoritarianism, that time is now.  On 5 November 2024, we urge all Americans to vote for Mrs. Harris.



09/08/24 10:52 AM

Leader of the Opposition Michael Pintard and Dr. Daune Sands, FNM Chair, are proving every day to be and act as two smart asses. Fred Mitchell was making a serious comment in a Voice Note on 6 September 2024 to the PLP about the need for discipline and repeating the well-known conventions of the constitution.  Mr. Micthell said that the PLP had a legacy to protect and he would do his best to defend that legacy. He asked for discipline and order to be maintained.  He also said that the FNM’s announcement about a training module was a ruse to get rid of Iram Lewis MP and Hubert Minnis, the former Prime Minister. Their crime was not supporting Mr. Pintard and Dr. Sands at the last convention of the FNM. Next thing we know the FNM is given an opportunity by Eyewitness News to respond to those comments.  First the press in this country and the US have this habit of arguing for balance and suggesting thereby that there is some moral equivalence between the PLP and the FNM. There is none. The FNM has no moral standing as a party.  Just as it has no legacy.  Duane Sands was condemned judicially for interfering in a case before the courts.  He was fired as a minister for breaking the covid rules that he set.  Mr. Pintard had to resign as FNM Chair because of action taken which threatened the lives of his fellow citizens. The press should be careful when the try to equate the PLP with the FNM.


Congratulations To Dr. and Mrs. Michael Darville

09/08/24 10:47 AM

The following was posted on the FB page of Fred Mitchell:

I was pleased to join my Cabinet colleagues Lisa Rahming, Glenys Hanna Martin, Michael Halkitis at the wedding of Michael Darville’s son David to his bride Lesly at Holy Cross Anglican Church in Nassau. Photos by Calvin Brown Jr RBDF 7 September 2024

Fred Mitchell MP

Fox Hill

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