Krissy Love
Krissy Love, viagra sale a radio talk show host, was not too happy about Fred Mitchell speaking up to defend the integrity of the PLP when he spoke to the National Progressive Institute (NPI) on Monday 25th August. Her retort was that Mr. Mitchell should take his meds, posted on the page of the ever prolific C A Newry. A true Bahamian response to her would be it takes one to know one
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. It is a great pity that someone like her who appears to be intelligent, who obviously has the gift of gab has been so embittered in her life by so many secret and not so secret demons that she chooses not to display her intelligence but sells to the public an unintelligent mix of psycho-babble on the air. This is typical of someone who has problems with self-esteem. She needs a lot of work before she can give advice. Really now.