Dear Editor.
I’m very perplexed by the Former Prime Minister Hubert Minnis with his unusual behaviour as a sitting MP.
As Prime Minister he was very uncivilized with the press with his boorish conduct that was classless, undignified showing no grace, finesse as a Leader of our country, now, suddenly he’s available to the press trying to stay relevant not realizing that he’s become a non relevant figure in our society that the majority of the Bahamas made very clear on September 16 2021, that were overjoyed to be rid of him, bringing an end to a few prospective future leaders in becoming collateral damage because they allowed him to rule without opening their mouths to his madness as a one man band.
Yes, shame on them, I’m no fan of McAlpine, but he has to be admired for the courageous stand he took in not being afraid in speaking out, while the others remained mum like little mice’s to maintain positions with the people’s power.
My advice to the Leader. The Honourable. Michael Pintard, The overshadowing is by design from Dr. Minnis in trying to remain pertinent, you need to keep your eyes on the wilted snake who if you’re not mindful of his intentions will bite you before you know it and will tell you, you knew I was a snake!!! Be forewarned Mr. Leader, become the fearless leader that the majority voted for.
Kelly D Burrows
Freeport Grand Bahama