Dear Editor.
Today I had the good fortune to attend the State Recognized Funeral of the Honourable Mr. Justice Roger Keith Gomez, Sr. (Ret) and was baffled with the lack of support from the Clergy, some who personally told me of Bishop Gomez assistance to them in Barbados where he served as Bishop, and particularly the absence of the hierarchy of the Anglican Church. Is there a veiled animus towards Bishop Gomez in the boycotting of his brother’s funeral that was so conspicuous from the Leadership in the Anglican Church? What can be so important on a Friday for such absence? Bishop Gomez attained the highest rank as Archbishop of the West Indies in this region, and is one of the most revered theological scholars in these parts, that in my opinion no Bahamian would ever achieve again in our lifetime, and to be treated so shabbily is a disgrace to our Church. Where is the love and togetherness we speak about? What can be expected from the membership when they see such naked behaviour from our leaders?
Maybe they all need to once again prostrate themselves on the altar of sacrifice and ask for forgiveness for their unfailing faults. Gentlemen you need to practice what you preach. The Gomez family is a highly respected family in the Anglican communion and The Bahamas and a pillow at St. Agnes Church for decades. What is the issue?
Kelly Burrows