Kelly Burrows Returns To The Theme On The Standards Of Dressing
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Dear. Editor.

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Have standards gone out of the door, with some of our so called leaders, or simply they don’t know any better? who is to passed the mantle down to our young people? I’m so happy to have been given the opportunity in being exposed to what is proper etiquette and general protocol of life at a young age, unless standards have changed, if it has, it seems for the worst. Watching tonight’s NB 12 news, 2. Editions caught my attention, “1” At the youth awards at the Melia last evening, one of the recipients, name not displayed on screen, was dressed in a Tan suit, this is an evening affair, after 6 PM. (2) Then there was Harrison Thompson, the Permanent Secretary of the MOT, decked out in a. Tan suit; at an evening event, giving out awards, all smiles.
Do these people know any better? please, you folks who are in the public eyes seek help with your deportment.
Have you ever seen an American, statesman dress the way you so called leaders in our Bahamas deport yourselves? also, the rainbow colored shirts have got to go, the thought of anything goes, get rid of that mindset you are. Leaders, leave a reference point for our youth to be proud of.
Seek help in your ethical, table and grooming manners, some of you leaves a lot to be desired. I sometime imagined some of you wrestling over a 7 course meal, with your counterparts abroad my God, what torture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do these people know any better? please, you folks who are in the public eyes seek help with your deportment.
Have you ever seen an American, statesman dress the way you so called leaders in our Bahamas deport yourselves? also, the rainbow colored shirts have got to go, the thought of anything goes, get rid of that mindset you are. Leaders, leave a reference point for our youth to be proud of.
Seek help in your ethical, table and grooming manners, some of you leaves a lot to be desired. I sometime imagined some of you wrestling over a 7 course meal, with your counterparts abroad my God, what torture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kelly D. Burrows
Freeport Grand Bahama
P.O. Box F.42977