Dear Editor:
A gentleman should remove his hat as he enters a building, including a restaurant, home, classroom, theatre, church. This rule includes baseball caps and casual hats. Hats are to be removed when inside, except for places that are akin to public streets, e.g., lobbies, corridors, and elevators in public buildings.
I am very baffled of late in seeing men not taking off their hats, I attended 2 functions over the weekend and was taken aback how either out of ignorance or not knowing any better, this seems to becoming the norm with those who show no respect in removing their hats, even in Church they keep their hats on, what has happened to the standards we once revered, it’s so sad across the board Standards have been thrown out the door, today, anything goes.
Kelly D Burrows
Freeport Grand Bahama
PO. Box F42977
Telephone 373 7126