Dear Editor.
Watching the House Of Assembly proceeding . I was flabbergasted with the Deputy Speaker’s oft attire sitting in the Speakers Chair in a Tan Suit. I had the good fortune in speaking to this gentleman before on his attire. Is there any regards for Standards with this crew? Let me suggest Sir, you goggle “Obama’s Tan Suit August 2014” and the flak he got in wearing a Tan Suit.
Please take note of the Leader of the Opposition the Honorable. Philip Davis who is always properly attired, the Former departed Speakers must be crying out in their graves looking down on the low Standards that is allowed today. There is absolutely no excuse for improper attire. Dark colors are the proper attire for the HOA in the future gentlemen, keep the Standards high As you met them, stop the desecration of this Honorable place, don’t lower the Standards!!!
Kelly D Burrows
Freeport Grand Bahama