So Jeanne Thompson, the former Justice of the Supreme Court, apparently needs something to do with her time. It isn’t enough it appears for her to simply go into the sunset and enjoy her retirement. No, she wants to get into the public debate.
That would be fine, if she knew what she was talking about. The problem is she has no idea what she is talking about .
What we are talking about is the fact that Justice Jeanne Thompson felt the need to go to the press and say that Fred Mitchell, with whom she stood to protest the establishment many moons ago, said and did something and according to her that was inappropriate. The inappropriate thing was the fact that he answered Ellsworth Johnson with his no good nasty comment on the press calling the man a sissy. Well he was being clever with his language but that is what it meant.
So as far as Jeanne Thompson is concerned that’s okay and Mr. Mitchell is supposed to sit quiet while the former Minister lash out in every direction with no bridle on his mouth.
We think if we know Fred Mitchell that it ain’t gonna happen.
So we also think that Jeanne Thompson would better spend her time knitting sweaters or something else that’s useful rather than defending Ellsworth Johnson, providing a gown tail behind which he can hide.