Juliette Barnwell Coop Pioneer And Public Servant Dies
We were very sad to learn this morning of the death of Juliette Barnwell. Mrs. Barnwell was born Juliette Walker of Grant’s Town, viagra canada the Over The Hill section of New Providence where the founders of the modern Bahamian state lived. Her father was Dr. Claudius R Walker, best viagra a Member of the House of Assembly and an American trained doctor, who brought home his wife Mabel Walker. Mrs. Walker was a suffragist, fighting for the right of women to vote and a leader of the Elks Civil Liberties Department. That is the tradition from which Mrs. Barnwell came. She became a public servant and retired as the Secretary to the Governor General. Following her retirement from the long service in the Public Service, she continued her work as a pioneer of the cooperative movement principally as an advisor and activist and director of credit unions. Sadly, she has passed away and with it comes the end of an era of a highly educated, articulate woman and Bahamian. She was an active member of Christ Church Cathedral, the Anglican Cathedral in Nassau.
She is survived by one daughter Cordelia. Her husband from whom she was divorced John Barnwell predeceased her. May she rest in peace!