Joining Fred Mitchell For A Happy Birthday
The leadership of the branch of the Fox Hill constituency joined the representative for the area Fred Mitchell at mass at St. Agnes on Sunday 5th October to mark his birthday. The photo was taken with the MP and the Anglican Archbishop (retired) Drexel Gomez
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. The photo is by Ronnie Ferguson and shows from left to right: Fox Hill Branch Executives Charlene Curry, generic cialis buy cialis Lillian McPhee, cialis buy viagra Leshanda McPhee, behind her Ida Symonette and Jerome Brown, the MP’s sister Carla Seymour, then in front Branch Chair Charlene Marshall, the Minister’s brother in law Carlton Seymour, the Minister,behind the Minister his brother Ian, the Archbishop Drexel Gomez, behind him branch executive John Johnson, next to the Archbishop Ella Mae Collie, then other executives Deidre Rolle, Altamese Isaacs and Yvonne Stubbs.