Joe Darville Ought To Be Ashamed Of Himself
best viagra sale times;”>People are saying the most uncharitable things about Joe Darville, cialis the other half of the Devil and his imp pair that makes up what is called the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association. The pair is Fred Smith Q C and Joe Darville. It is hard to know who is the devil and who is the imp. What we do know is that these people appear to be practiced in the art of creating a fuss where there is none. The latest is all the fuss they have created with regard to the new measures to protect this country’s borders through immigration. They oppose them and go to any lengths it appears to do so. Mr. Darville at least used to be silent when Fred Smith said stupid and outlandish things. No more. He supports Fred Smith’s stupidity each step of the way. Last week he unleashed a broadside of his own, discount a very personal one against Fred Mitchell, the Minister of Immigration, accusing him of targeting children. That charge is as stupid as it is inane. It is also defamatory. Mr. Darville is simply shameless. The people down at Island Luck must be wondering what is going on
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. Why all this fervor? With love to Joe Darville.