Jim Wood Controversial Head Of Baseball Dies
viagra usa search times;”>He was a two time candidate for the FNM in the PLP seat of Grants Town. He headed the baseball Federation and fell into a row with others and baseball was held hostage to it until just this year, medical there was concordat to settle the decades old dispute that saw youngsters abandon his federation and get into the major leagues through other methods. Now he has passed away and he was lauded by the country including the Federation.
Bahamas Baseball Federation offers condolences on the passing of James Wood
11 December 2014
Nassau, Bahamas – The following is a statement from the Bahamas Baseball Federation:
On Behalf of President Craig KEMP, BBF Executives and its Membership:
We wish to extend our condolences to the Family & the BBA Administration on the passing of Mr
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. James ‘Jim’ Wood.
May the Lord continue to guide and strengthen the family during this most difficult time.