James Burrows
6 April 2019
FOLKS: Do y’all remember that JB reported, couple days ago, that all Government Vehicles (Police, Customs, Immigration, the Rand Memorial Hospital and all others owned by the government, on GBI, remained unlicensed and uninsured to date? The licenses EXPIRED, just like all other company and commercial vehicles, on the 31st. March 2019, yet all of them are still cruising the streets of this island (GBI) as if the government is the exception to this law, an exception to the rule of law; as if the government, by virtue of their 35-4 ratio of members in the parliament, has a right to break the law-willy nilly-while others who fail to have such vehicles licensed by that expiry date are obliged to park them until the vehicles are regularized. Who, in this FNM government, are so bare-faced as to take it upon them selves to break our laws?? Suppose-just suppose-accidents occurred in those vehicles while unlicensed (and therefore uninsured) and someone loses their life? What, pray tell me, would be the consequences to the government?? Can you imagine the law suits which would be filed?? JB wishes to inform yinna, that since he posted that information I have seen now where a government employee, by the name of Harold Williams claiming to represent the “ASSET MANAGEMENT UNIT” in the ministry for finance, has issued instructions to all government departments, throughout the country, instructing them to contact the Road Traffic Department, in their areas, with all the information on the vehicles to have them registered for the 2019/2020 year. This, my people, is nothing but gross incompetence, plain and simple. How come this lousy FNM Government feels it can do as it like without any consequences?? How come?? Can you imagine a police officer, from the road traffic department, ordering JB to pull his vehicle off the road to be given a traffic ticket for not having his vehicle licensed while the Traffic Cop is himself driving one of those same unlicensed and uninsured vehicles?? Can you imagine that?? Well blow me down. So folks if you see any government vehicle on the road coming toward you, please pull on the side and let them pass because those vehicles are not licensed nor are they insured….