Last week in The Bahamas, the ambient temperature was searing hot. It was so hot that the met office in The Bahamas issued two heat advisories. They warned folk that while the temperatures were in the 90s by the thermometer, the heat index made it feel as if it were 110 degrees,
The international press reported that last week was the warmest time in the recorded history of the earth and in the industrial era. This while everyone is talking about climate change.
There is a killing heat wave in Europe and a punishing heat wave in the southwestern United States.
In the meantime, the world is doing nothing about climate change. A television commentator told this columnist that we have to acknowledge that we will not meet the targets of the Paris Accords on climate change to keep the temperature below 1.5 degrees increase in preindustrial levels. That is a failure already. So the best we can do is work on mitigation and adaptation and find the money to do so.
The major emitters are talking a good game but largely doing nothing.
The BBC broadcasted a debate between its climate change scientists and the Shell Oil company CEO and the latter is clearly not on board. He says that they have to keep drilling for oil or the economy of the world will be damaged.
The best one though is John Kerry goes before the US Congress and says that under no circumstances will the United States pay reparations for the loss and damage occasioned by climate change.
There you have it.
So you have to ask yourselves why are we coming to all these COP meetings if loss and damage is off the table?
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