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Nassau, viagra sale rx Bahamas November 17, clinic 2014: In keeping with the newly regulated gaming environment, Playtech Systems Limited trading as “Island Luck” is pleased to announce the appointment of its new Board of Directors.
Island Luck continues to lead the way in the evolution of the gaming industry in The Bahamas. On Thursday November 13th, 2014, Island Luck announced the appointment of its Board of Directors comprised of some of the country’s brightest minds in banking, law, business, marketing, human resources and accounting. The board consists of: Barry Malcolm (Chairman), Sebastian Bastian (President and CEO), Wesley Bastian (Secretary), and Directors Paul Major, Dirk Simmons, Theresa Moxey-Ingraham, Julian Francis, James Moxey, and Ed Rahming.
The many years of experience possessed by this cadre of Directors augers well for the future of Island Luck as it seeks to be a shining example of what a good corporate citizen should be by fully complying with gaming laws and regulations and delivering a superior array of products to its tens of thousands of loyal customers.
Established in May 2009, Island Luck has always been a great contributor to the Bahamian community. “We are very grateful to be a part of the journey that took the industry from the “back trunk” to the boardroom. We want to give many Bahamians that same opportunity and continue to assist with creating more opportunities for them” said CEO Bastian. Island Luck wants to be the springboard for the average Bahamian to gain a stake in the Bahamian economy, by offering shares and investments in new projects and initiatives in and outside of gaming.
Island Luck’s corporate vision is to continue to think outside of the box and develop new products and services while enhancing its customers’ experience. Island Luck is a part of a new era. It is revolutionizing an industry that for too long was seen in a negative light. “It is our mission to ensure that we bring about a change for the better in our country and continue to touch the lives of many Bahamians through charitable and community initiatives
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. We would like to see a positive change in the Bahamian economy and intend for Island Luck to be in the forefront of that change! ” CEO Bastian added.
Newly appointed Chairman Malcolm said that he is proud to lead such a stellar team and foresees major economic strides as a result of the huge turnover in the industry and that key among the Board’s objectives will be to fully comply with the new legislation that regulates the industry.