Is Fred Smith Losing His Marbles?
viagra canada sick times;”>During the past week, buy viagra Fred Smith, the Q C, did a great disservice to the name QC. He makes QCs look like idiots if they are all like him. His anti-immigration stand has become so lunatic like and so extreme and frantic that people think that he is a bit of a loony tune. On one day, he was accusing Immigration of attacking a client who he said has every right to be in The Bahamas save that she is not a Bahamian citizen. Then he said he would be suing the department. Then she was charged with assaulting an immigration officer
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. Then he tried to pay someone to follow Fred Mitchell around with a camera in Abaco where the minister is holding meetings on immigration matters. He appears to be trying to provoke a physical confrontation. Then he launched a personal campaign against Fred Mitchell about how the two of them used to work together for human rights. Mr. Mitchell replied that he and Fred Smith separated company when he called for a bloody revolution in The Bahamas over the fight against the National Service Bill. Mr. Mitchell said he thought Fred Mitchell was unbalanced then and is more convinced than ever.