The news could not be contained by the carrier of the hot news. The former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham who has been between “Oh Lord! And Thank God” for over year, is over his bouts of illness and has decided that he will campaign all out to unseat Brave Davis in the next general election. Up to now he had been playing bo-peep. He was publicly against former Prime Minister Hubert Minnis coming back to lead the FNM but was not so enthusiastic about the now Leader of the Opposition Michael Pintard. All of that has gone now and he has predicted an FNM victory in the next election saying that Abaco is gone, Eleuthera is gone, MICAL is gone and that the PLP can only save Elizabeth, Exuma, Cat Island, Fox Hill, Englerston, Centreville. Well of course what he says is no big surprise to us. He was against us all the while so that’s no news. Also it is no news that the election campaign is going to be a dog fight, so that’s not new. But it is always good to know that what you suspected is in fact true. Don’t be fooled, Ingraham is against Brave.