Ingraham Still Politically Plotting And Scheming
viagra canada viagra times;”>The news is going around that Frank Watson, the former Deputy Prime Minister and advance man for former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham has given up on Hubert Minnis, the now Leader for the FNM. He says the man just doesn’t get it and doesn’t have it. So the alternative, you guessed it, Hubert Ingraham is to return
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. The problem is how do you plot that return? Mr. Ingraham’s playing coy but just keeping his hand in. He has said he will return if he can be persuaded. The FNM is saying that Dr. Minnis while well-intentioned does not have the ability to raise money. Anyway, Mr. Ingraham was summoned to the home of Geoffrey Johnstone last weekend for a tet a tet. Sir Geoffrey, the last of the UBP Leaders, the party of the white oligarchy, convened a group of white knights who tried to persuade Mr. Ingraham to come back and reportedly he has given a conditional acceptance. He has also been fielding calls from the lady at The Tribune Eileen Carron that he needs to come back. So the ducks are lining up for a rematch of Christie and Ingraham once more it seems.