Compiled, edited and constructed by Russell Dames... Updated every Sunday at 2 p.m.
Volume 15 © 2014
Bahamasuncensored Search Feature
A FAR COUNTRY: the Foreign Ministers of Caricom have held their first meeting as part of the consultative process between Caricom and Turkey which was agreed by Memorandum of Understanding in 2011. Foreign Ministers of the region met in Istanbul from Thursday 17th July to Monday 21st July to discuss an ambitious agenda of support for Turkey’s bid to become a Member of the Security Council of the United Nations and the outreach of Turkey to the region in development assistance. Fred Mitchell MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Bahamas represented the country at the meetings. Our photo of the week then is the usual class photo of the Foreign Ministers of Caricom with their Turkish counterpart (at the centre) Ahmet Davutoglu. Mr. Mitchell is second from the right.
Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
Nobody OD'd, nobody burned a single building down
Nobody fired a shot in anger...nobody had to die in vain
We sure could use a little good news today
--Anne Murray
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( The photo shows Candia Dames accepting an Icon Award last Sunday for her work in journalism, but no mention of journalistic ethics.) |
We have done the analysis many times in this column. Not sure to what effect. Does anyone out there hear or listen? If you read the newspapers last week, and the social media which they drive, listened to the talk shows, you would get the impression that there is no good news for the PLP in The Bahamas at all. Just one bad headline after the next.
The one man who seems to get it is Bradley Roberts, the Chairman of the PLP. He never stops swinging back. Always at bat and most times knocks them out of the park.
It would be fine if the newspaper headlines were actually a fair and balanced reporting of what is actually transpiring in the country. Life cannot just be a steady diet of “the government cannot do anything right”, one conflict after the next, one misstep after the next. In part it is designed that way, to look that way in a concerted effort to try and defeat the PLP. A good deal of it is self-inflicted and a failure to correct the self-inflicted missteps.
What had to be the laugh of the week was the Icon Award for Journalism given to Candia Dames for her work in the media where she is now the Managing Editor of the Nassau Guardian but who specializes in gotcha journalism, and in her opinion pieces she is as bad or worse than the lousy John Marquis who came to The Bahamas at the behest of the nasty Eileen Carron over at the Tribune to simply smash, slash and burn the PLP and everything Black in its wake.
Yet there she was in her finery last Sunday receiving an award and the usual statements from her about thanking God, country and family. No doubt her family is proud of her. But the starting point has to be a recognition that with journalism comes ethics, and journalistic ethics for a paper of record requires a special breed of conduct: called fair and balanced and no self-dealing. Journalism in The Bahamas is everything but that.
Hubert Minnis issued a press statement at the beginning of last week in which he gave a laundry list of what he said were the missteps in governance by the PLP under Perry Christie and he called for the PLP to resign and call a general election. It took the PLP two days to answer that laundry list, one an answer from the Chairman which we publish below, the other from the Prime Minister who called Mr. Minnis’ comments silly, and said there he was calling for a general election but he was not ready nor his party to fight a general election. Mr. Roberts reminded Mr. Minnis that he was calling for a national election when he was unwilling to hold one in his own party. It was laughable really.
Then there is the hapless spokesman on Foreign Affairs Hubert Chipman who made an allegation about Lloyd Smith, the Reverend and contractor, claiming that he was too close to Shane Gibson the National Insurance Minister and that he did not deserve the NIB contract that he got for the construction of the new building on John F Kennedy Drive. We publish the answer to that which shows how the procedures were followed and Mr. Smith received a building contract and how Mr. Chipman said nothing when under similar circumstances Hubert Ingraham his buddy was the Prime Minister. Mr. Chipman even questioned whether Lloyd Smith was a citizen of The Bahamas.
No probing by the press however. They just published anything that the FNM said uncritically so.
Now here is the twist. The leaders of the PLP seem to think or so it appears that making these one off bomblets in the press will staunch the flow of the anti PLP tide, a narrative which has taken hold and may be beyond the tipping point. We are going to quote now from a note posted on What’s App by a Young Liberal, who supports the PLP with all his heart:
[After asking the question of why the PLP continues to associate with Peter Nygard at Lyford Cay, and listing a number of other questions, he says:
“I applaud Leslie Miller in his efforts but I would ask him to resign... Wells would have been suspended until the outcome of the issue before the Bahamian people (in which individuals of the company personally told me cabinet ministers are aware of the deal) Ishmael Lightbourne would have been fired. Someone needs to account for this money missing from customs in Abaco for the third time”
Point is this: death by thousand cuts is the strategy of the FNM. They and their media progenitors believe all that has to be done is publish every little peccadillo real or imagined and in the end, it will add up to a bloody mess.
Point also is this: young PLPs are adopting the FNM narrative; the Young Liberal has the same list as Mr. Minnis. They don’t see it as an FNM narrative but as a commonsense narrative; the right things to do. That is what the leaders of the PLP are fighting and don’t seem to get.
But guess what, we hope the PLP will soon get it because the cause is right and we ask again to for our people to stand up and fight back by doing the right thing.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 19th July 2014 up to midnight:127,729;;
Number of hits for the month of July up to Saturday 19th July 2014 up to midnight:378,909;
Number of hits for the year 2014 up to Saturday 19th July 2014 up to midnight:4,889,215.
This site began as Fred Mitchell Uncensored on 6th December 1998. It is the longest running political site in The Bahamas on the web. It converted to Bahamas in June 2002. Today, we upgrade the look and platform. We thank all of our readers. We thank the designer Delroy Meadows. The Managing Editors heretofore Al Dillette and Sebastian Curry. We hope this new format is enjoyable and more readable. There is also Bahamas Uncensored on Facebook.
Press Release
2014 Labour Force Survey – May
18July 2014
The Ministry of Finance notes that The Department of Statistics has released the results of its Labour Force and Household Income Survey which was conducted in May of this year.
The results of the survey indicate a decrease in the national unemployment from 15.4% in November 2013 to 14.3% in May 2014.
Also noteworthy was a nationwide decrease in the number of discouraged workers, that is, workers who had previously given up looking for work from 6,765 individuals in November 2013 to 4,880 individuals in May 2014. This decrease of 28% in the number of discouraged workers is a strong indication of increased optimism in the economy by job seekers.
Notably, in Grand Bahama, the number of discouraged workers decreased by 60%.
The combination of the decrease in the rate of unemployment and the decrease in the number of discouraged workers is positive indication of the improving health of the Bahamian labour market.
The overall rate of unemployment among workers aged 15-24 years remains a concern. This rate is, and historically has been considerably higher than any other age group. The May 2014 survey indicated an overall rate of unemployment 28% among this age group. While lower compared to the previous year in line with the overall reduction in the rate of unemployment; clearly this is one area that will continue to require focused attention.
Overall the survey paints a picture of a gradual improvement in the labour market in line with the gradual strengthening of the Bahamian economy.
Pictured at the official Bahamas independence anniversary reception held by the Embassy of The Bahamas and Consular Annex at the St. Regis Hotel, 923 16th and K Streets, N.W., in downtown Washington on Friday, July 11, from left to right are: Mr. Chet Neymour, Deputy Chief of Mission, Bahamas Embassy; Mrs. Paulette Zonicle, Bahamas Consul General to Washington, D.C.; His Excellency Dr. Eugene Newry, Bahamas Ambassador to the United States; and Mr. Michael C. Fountain, Bahamas Honorary Consul to Chicago.
JUNKANOO DIPLOMACY -- His Excellency Dr. Eugene Newry (right), Bahamas Ambassador to the United States, joined in a Junkanoo Rush Out at the picnic hosted by the Bahamian-American Association on Saturday, July 12, at the U.S. Coast Guard Base, 7323 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. At left is Mr. Bernard Colebrooke, a Bahamian who is a retired U.S. Marine and one of the leaders of the Bahamian-American Association. The picnic was one of the events held over the weekend to celebrate the 41st anniversary of The Bahamas’ attainment of independence. An official independence anniversary reception was held at the St. Regis Hotel, 923 16th and K Streets, N.W., in downtown Washington on Friday, July 11, and an independence church service was held on Sunday, July 13, at the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), 1518 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., at which the Bahamas National Youth Choir was the featured choir.
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After participating in the Bahamas Independence Church Service held at the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), 1518 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., on Sunday, July13, as the featured choir, members of the Bahamas National Youth Choir are pictured with His Excellency Dr. Eugene Newry, Bahamas Ambassador to the United States, and his wife, Mrs. Francoise Torchon Newry. At their left is Bahamas Consul General to Washington, D.C., Mrs. Paulette Zonicle, and next to her is Rev. Don Darius Butler, who was the guest preacher. Directly behind Ambassador and Mrs. Newry is Mr. Chet Neymour, Deputy Chief of Mission, Bahamas Embassy. At far left in front row is Bahamas National Youth Choir Director Cleophas Adderley. |
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The Bahamas National Youth Choir performing at the official independence anniversary reception held at the St. Regis Hotel, 923 16th and K Streets, N.W., in downtown Washington on Friday evening. |
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Bahamian members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity are pictured during their courtesy call on His Excellency Dr. Eugene Newry, Bahamas Ambassador to the United States. Pictured from left to right are: Mr. Esmond Johnson; Mr. William Dean; Mr. Kareem Wallace; Mr. Raymond Pearson; Mr. Gerrard Sawyer; Mr. Felipe Major, Administrative Assistant, Consular Annex; Mr. Kareem Hanna; Mr. Chet Neymour, Deputy Chief of Mission, Bahamas Embassy; Mr. Jean Joseph; Ambassador Newry; Mr. Jamarl Chea; Mr. Christopher Saunders; Mr. Derek Smith, Jr.; Mr. Nathaniel Beneby; Miss Krissy Hanna, Second Secretary/Vice Consul, Bahamas Embassy; Mr. Mikhail Bullard, Third Secretary/Vice Consul, Bahamas Embassy. |
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Bahamian members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity paid courtesy calls on His Excellency Dr. Eugene Newry, Bahamas Ambassador to the United States, and Mrs. Paulette Zonicle, Bahamas Consul General to Washington D.C., on Thursday, July 17.
The 11-member Bahamian contingent is among the more than 4,000 fraternity brothers, representing at least five different countries, who are in Washington, D.C. for the organization’s Centennial celebrations being held July 16-20 at the Marriott Wardman Park.
Members of the Bahamian contingent include Mr. Gerrard Sawyer, Mr. Christopher Saunders, Mr. Derek Smith Jr., Mr. Esmond Johnson, Mr. William Dean, Mr. Kareem Hanna, Mr. Jamarl Chea, Mr. Nathaniel Beneby, Mr. Ramon Pearson, Mr. Kareem Wallace, and Mr. Jean Joseph.
Their first courtesy call was on Consul General Zonicle shortly after 11 a.m. at the Embassy’s new Consular Annex, 1025 Vermont Avenue, N.W., in downtown D.C., where they were given a tour of the Consular Annex by Consul General Zonicle and introduced to Third Secretary/Vice Consul Faith Maycock, Financial Officer Stephanie Rahming and other members of her staff. Consul General Zonicle also outlined the duties and responsibilities of the Consular Annex.
Shortly after 1 p.m., the Bahamian fraternity brothers visited the Embassy of The Bahamas at 2220 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., where they were welcomed by Ambassador Newry; Mr. Chet Neymour, Deputy Chief of Mission; Miss Krissy Hanna, Second Secretary/Vice Consul; and Mr. Mikhail Bullard, Third Secretary/Vice Consul.
Following brief remarks by Ambassador Newry and Deputy Chief of Mission Neymour, they were treated to lunch in the Embassy’s conference room.
While in D.C. for the Centennial Celebration, the Bahamian contingent also advanced talks with international leaders on the General Board meeting expected to be held in Nassau in November. The General Board is the executive leadership of the international fraternity.
The Bahamian brothers have also been promoting The Bahamas by wearing Androsia bow-ties during the courtesy calls and at the celebration’s climax, the Orchid Ball.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, founded at Howard University on January 9, 1914, is celebrating its 100th Anniversary with a year-long slate of activities designed to highlight the organization’s contributions to American and International history over the past century.
Phi Beta Sigma has a near century-long commitment to service that is centered in the fraternity’s three international programs: Bigger and Better Business, Education and Social Action. All three of these programs represent the core of Sigma’s programmatic initiatives and are carried out at the international, national, regional and local levels.
For more than 60 years, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has made manhood training for young boys a fraternity priority through its Sigma Beta Club founded in 1950. Its mission is to bring a responsibility mindset to instill a college-going culture among young black males. Collegiate, as well as graduate members are their mentors. There are over 120 Sigma Beta Clubs throughout the USA and The Bahamas. In 2005, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity adopted Junior Achievement Bahamas as one of its primary volunteer initiatives.
Today, Phi Beta Sigma Bahamas boasts of two firsts within the international fraternity - the first undergraduate chapter (Beta Beta Lambda at The College of The Bahamas 2004) of any fraternal organization outside of the USA and its territories and the first alumni chapter (Delta Epsilon Sigma 1978) of the fraternity in a Caribbean nation. There are three chapters in The Bahamas two graduate member chapters (Delta Epsilon Sigma in Nassau and Omicron Pi Sigma in Freeport) and the undergraduate chapter (Beta Beta Lambda) at The College of The Bahamas.
Bahamian members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity are pictured during their courtesy call on Mrs. Paulette Zonicle, Bahamas Consul General to Washington, DC. Pictured from left to right are: Mrs. Jan Rolle, Administrative Assistant, Consular Annex; Mrs. Debbie Harrison, Private Secretary, Consular Annex; Mr. Ramon Pearson; Mr. William Dean; Mr. Esmond Johnson; Mr. Derek Smith, Jr; Mr. Jamarl Chea; Miss Faith Maycock, Third Secretary/Vice Consul, Consular Annex; Mr. Kareem Hanna; Consul General Zonicle; Mr. Gerrard Sawyer; Mr. Nathaniel Beneby; Mr. Jean Joseph; Miss Stephanie Rahming, Accounts Officer, Consular Annex; Mr. Christopher Saunders; Mr. Kareem Wallace, Felipe Major, Administrative Assistant, Consular Annex; and Mr. Reynaldo Fabella, Consul General Zonicle’s chauffeur.
Bahamas High Commission in Ottawa Hosts Bahamas’ 41st Independence Celebrations
OTTAWA, 12 JULY 2014 – The Bahamas High Commissioner, His Excellency Dr. Calsey Johnson hosted a poolside reception in Ottawa, Ontario on 12th July for the Bahamian community, members of the Diplomatic Corps, Canadian officials and friends of The Bahamas from all over Canada, to celebrate the 41st Anniversary of Bahamian sovereignty and Independence.
Leading up to the event, the Bahamas High Commission held two screenings of Bahamian produced/directed films here in Ottawa. The first film showcased on Monday July 7th was a sci-fi thriller entitled ‘Singularity Principle’ which was partly shot in The Bahamas. The second film screened on Wednesday July 9th, Womanish Way, Freedom, Human Rights and Democracy’, a documentary about the Women’s Suffrage Movement in The Bahamas which was directed by Bahamian Marion Bethel. Ms. Bethel joined guests via skype to introduce the film and entertained questions at the conclusion of the film.
Deputy Chief of Mission, Mrs. Roselyn Horton delivered remarks on behalf of Prime Minister the Right Honorable Perry G. Christie and the Bahamian people. In his remarks, Prime Minister Christie stated, “I have declared 2014 as the Year of Culture with a view to celebrate our cultural identity, which defines us as a people. We have chosen to celebrate this our 41st anniversary under the theme, “Celebrating our culture: A commitment to peace,” this gesture is intended to symbolize the significance of our cultural identity and give rise to highlighting those icons who would have been instrumental in personifying the ethos of Bahamianism.“
The event also served as an opportunity to formally announce the appointment of Dame Marguerite Pindling as Governor General of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas who sent written remarks, which were delivered by His Excellency Dr. Calsey Johnson. She stated "this year, as we trend towards the 50th Anniversary of our Independence in a few short years, we are celebrating the great cultural heritage of our nation. Most people would agree that as a small nation we have the distinction of having a vibrant culture that is deeply embedded and that springs from the uniqueness of our history. We have produced musicians, painters, sculptors, dancers, singers, actors and authors and the list goes on. As a part of our cultural heritage we have to preserve the legacy of so many of these cultural icons, some of whom are well-known while others need to be brought to the notice of our citizens before memory of them fades away."
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Hon. Frederick A. Mitchell also sent written remarks on behalf of the people and Government of The Bahamas. In his remarks he noted “The generation before us entrusted us with an exceptional nation that continues to prosper and serve as a paragon of prosperity in the region. Our efforts must remain reciprocal so we must in turn bear a commitment to our forefathers’ achievements by passing the baton onto the next generation. The groundwork has been laid out. As a fellow commonwealth nation, The Bahamas has had a long history with Canada and is home to many of our citizens. Canada has become a popular destination for many of our university students. In doing so, Canada has contributed to the education of our future leaders." He applauded the exemplary efforts made by Foreign Service Officers, who continue to strive and proudly represent the Bahamas internationally. He stated that in this age of globalization, it is imperative that as a nation The Bahamas remain internationally competitive and he firmly believed that the various missions have effectively done so.
The pool-side event also featured lots of Bahamian treats such as conch chowder, peas and rice, chicken, fish, macaroni and cheese, chicken souse, Johnny cake and the crowd-favorite Bahamian conch fritters prepared by the Bahamian community. Guests were thoroughly entertained by festive music and abundance of Bahamian delights.
New York
NEW YORK -- Chef Tim Tibbetts, Executive Chef and Owner of Flying Fish Restaurant in Freeport, Grand Bahama, along with his wife, Mrs. Rebecca Tibbetts, Co-owner and General Manager of Flying Fish Restaurant, paid a courtesy call on the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll, Bahamas Consul General to New York, on Friday, July 11, 2014, at Bahamas House, 231 East 46th Street. The restaurateurs were on a brief tour of New York making stops at the James Beard House, showing their talents at the “Sustainable Seafood Celebration” and Food and Wine Magazine. The AAA 4 Diamond Award winning team is making waves in the culinary world. Pictured from left to right are Chef Tibbetts, Mrs. Tibbetts and Consul General Carroll.
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Left to right: Officer Preston Moss, Mr Mike Guy, Second Secretary and Vice Consul, Bahamas High Commission London and Officer Sanchez Davis at the passing out parade at Britannia Royal Navy College |
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Minister of National Security, Dr Bernard Nottage and Commodore of The Royal Bahamas Defence Force Mr Roderick Bowe visiting Sanchez Davis and Preston Moss in April 2014 at Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, UK. Photos courtesy of the Bahamas High Commission in London |
18th July 2014
Royal Bahamas Defence Force Officer Named Best International Cadet- Bahamas Information Services
A Royal Bahamas Defence officer was awarded Best International Cadet at his graduation at Britannia Royal Naval College in Dartmouth UK. Twenty- two year old Sanchez Davis was chosen among his peers as the top international cadet. This title automatically puts Davis in the running with other international colleagues from each entry this year to win an opportunity to return to the UK in 2015 and receive the overall Best International Cadet at the Lord High Admirals Ceremony.
A second RBDF officer twenty-five year old Preston J Moss, who graduated as well, received honourable mention during his training at Britannia Royal Naval College. Both Bahamian officers, Davis and Moss completed training and had their passing out parade on July 10th.
Head of the institution, Captain Henry Duffy of Britannia Royal Naval College told the audience at the passing out parade in Dartmouth that he is pleased with the progress of the officers.
“The successful completion of their initial training here on the banks of the River Dart marks their formal transition from civilian to military officer. They have been tested, stretched and assessed in a wide range of challenges. In this sense, BRNC has prepared them well to continue this journey of professional and personal development and to springboard them on their way to a unique and very special career. It is a career that will, I assure you, test them to the limits at times, but one that is always wholly rewarding, exciting and respected,” said Captain Duffy.
Second Secretary and Vice Consul at The Bahamas High Commission London, Mike Guy attended the graduation at Dartmouth and congratulated the young men on their achievement. “It is always rewarding to see young Bahamians do well internationally. Officers Davis and Moss worked extremely hard and for the duration of their training both of them stood out on their own merit. We are extremely proud of the achievements of these young men,” said Mr Guy.
The officers completed three phases of training including militarisation and marinisation; they were required to take various exams, essays and conduct presentations.
Davis and Moss underwent aggressive sea training exercises that took them on board the HMS Bulwark and HMS Illustrious. Their Royal Navy training also involved submarine exercises and various military operations. One of the highlights in their training was participating in the commissioning of HMS Queen Elizabeth.
Before graduating, officers Davis and Moss met with the Minister of National Security, The Honourable Dr Bernard Nottage and Royal Bahamas Defence Force Commodore Roderick Bowe during their visit to Dartmouth in April, to update the officials on the progress of their Royal Navy training.
Davis and Moss are now receiving training in the International Warfare Officers Foundation Course from July 14th to October 31st, 2014. The course trains students to be warfare officers as they learn more about navigation, boat handling, rules of the road and seamanship. Davis and Moss are the first from The Bahamas to participate in this course.
Bahamians Unite for Independence Day Celebrations in Atlanta.
Two days after the fireworks over Clifford Park and a rivoting Junkanoo parade ushered in the 41st anniversary of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas gaining independence from England, Bahamians in the USA marked the occasion with their own tributes with a family fun day and church service.
The group of patriotic students, foreign workers, dual citizens, permanent residents and even tourists from the islands gathered in Lithonia on Saturday, July 12 to celebrate the milestone. With a lake and wooded area as their scenic backdrop, Bahamian music filled the air as members of the Bahamian diaspora dressed in the colors of the national flag, dined on native cuisine inclusive of their signature conch salad, fritters, fried fish, souse, peas ‘n’ rice and guava duff.
“There were over 700 attendees at this year’s family fun day,” noted Randy R. Rolle, Bahamas Consul General for Atlanta and the surrounding areas. “There were so many Bahamians who donated food, drinks, their time and talents and so many who brought their friends out to see why they are so proud of their heritage. While there was a $5 fee to park at the event, everything else was free to attendees. My office has been inundated with calls from persons who wanted to thank us for such an event, and at the same time, sign up with us. However, the credit for the success of the events is certainly not with me but those who selflessly gave their time to organize, spread the word, share the flyers and make time to celebrate with us on Saturday and Sunday. I had the opportunity to meet with several Bahamians who are doing tremendous things within the area. I am looking forward to working in partnership with them as they continue to excel.
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Mallie Lightbourn is pictured chatting with HRH Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales |
High Commissioner’s Condolences To Richard Lightbourn MP
Statement by His Excellency Eldred Bethel sent to The Lightbourn Family
High Commissioner’s Condolences to Mr. Michael Lightbourn, former MP and Mr. Richard Lightbourn, MP
I was saddened to learn of the death of your mother. It was my good fortune to meet Ms. Mallie a year and a half ago when I took up my appointment as High Commissioner for The Bahamas to the Court of St James.
Before she returned home, my contact with her was frequent. She radiated from her personality a charm and sweetness that will be etched in the memories of many. I know that the impression she left with me was a durable one. She was an inspiration on aging well and gracefully.
She lives in our memory as a kind soul who was a participant in life. Our deepest sympathy to you and your family.
We pray the Almighty God may grant her eternal rest.
Eldred E. Bethel
High Commissioner
Captain Dwain Hutchinson of The Bahamas chaired the first session of The International Maritime Organization at the IMO headquarters in London on Monday, July 14th, 2014. IMO Secretary General, Koji Sekimizu opened the first session of the Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments July 14th to 18th. Captain Hutchinson chaired the session and dealt with items on the agenda including casualty analysis, harmonization of Port State control activities and review of Global Regulation standards.
(Captain Hutchinson is pictured in the centre.)
His Excellency High Commissioner for London, Eldred Bethel and Mrs Bethel with The Commandos Junkanoo Group at The Bahamas Independence Reception…
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Youri Kemp holds a Master ’s degree and has been in a series of odd jobs from one to the next since returning home from school. He helped the PLP out in its campaign 2012 and supports the party. This what he posted on his web page on Facebook recently after years of not being able to find a steady job:
People always ask me why don't I leave The Bahamas considering the glaring issue that I have made little to no inroads here, have been sparsely employed and have the requisite qualifications to be an asset in another country.
I always return and answer, at this time, I would like to, but it's a little more difficult than it appears. Visa and work requirements are stringent- and while I satisfy the qualifications and by now the work experience portion of it, the backing, employment offerings for immigrants and financial pre-requisites for the permit hinder me from achieving that.
I came back hoping to be a part of my country. Worst mistake made by me when I came back home from London. The Bahamas has given me the bad end of the stick in so many ways and has wasted a good part of my working and young life- nothing to offer educated Bahamians trying to live right and by the book, but all to offer everyone else.
The only satisfaction is that you look around you and can clearly see our country coming apart at the seams in many respects, but that is no satisfaction at all.
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For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide Call for tickets - 393-3728, July 18 to 26 - The Black Box. Gala Opening Friday July 18th $40 every other night $25 advance booking $30 at the door. Very limited seating capacity in this premier theatre space.
15th July 2014
Minnis should thank the PLP government
Bradley B. Roberts
Progressive Liberal Party
The problem with the media comments attributed to Dr. Minnis is that it was he and the FNM who were kicked out of office in May 2012 before the FNM “destroyed the country” because their “record of poor judgment in governance” that placed The Bahamas on a path to “disaster.” Further, Dr. Minnis needs to be more concerned about immediate problems and turmoil within his party and the threat of his leadership, let alone an early general election.
Minnis may have a short memory and is banking on the Bahamian people having a short memory, but I must remind him that his government’s mismanagement of the Bahamian economy exacerbated the recession locally and the suffering of thousands of Bahamian families where NO net jobs were created and unemployment doubled. It was under his watch that government revenue deteriorated while the debt spiraled out of control; tourist arrivals and tourism expenditure plummeted; no meaningful investment project was attracted to The Bahamas and many businesses were forced to shut down because of poorly executed public works.
During Dr. Minnis’ tenure as cabinet Minister, The Bahamas not only suffered multiple downgrades of its sovereign credit rating, but the deleterious effects of the FNM’S poor stewardship ricocheted throughout the country months after their departure when Standard and Poors downgraded The Bahamas because of the policy decisions of Dr. Minnis and the FNM government.
I submit that Dr. Minnis is at least five years late in calling for the resignation of the Bahamas cabinet; he should have called for that wholesale resignation as far back as 2009 when he and his colleagues unwittingly placed this country on a clear collision course with economic disaster.
The people of The Bahamas in their wisdom spared this country from that disaster and just two years later, stopover arrivals are up more than 30% in the Family Islands; total arrivals in 2013 reached an historic 6.2 million; the government has approved some 35 investment projects that are valued billions of dollars and have created thousands of jobs. Given the enormous mess the PLP inherited in May 2007, to his credit and thanks to his vision, tenacity and strong and focused leadership, Prime Minister Perry G. Christie and his team have successfully pulled this country from the proverbial fiscal cliff and has effectively turned this economy around in just two short years. He succeeded against tremendous politically motivated opposition and headwinds.
The Bahamas Hotel Industry is preparing for perhaps its “best physical product in 20 years.” Occupancy rates are high in part because of the stellar work of the Ministry of Tourism in aggressively marketing the Bahamas overseas; growing sports and religious tourism and opening new gates and tourism field offices in Canada and the United States. I congratulate Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe and his team for their growth strategy and their yeoman’s effort in facilitating this meteoric turn around in our number one industry.
Grand Bahama is on the upswing economically as this government has turned around some 20 years of tourism decline there. Bimini, Eleuthera, Exuma and San Salvador are also enjoying tremendous tourism growth and jobs creation.
I thank the entire government for its hard work on behalf of the Bahamian people; they have righted this ship of state, placed it on course and moving in the right direction. I thank them for taking on many of the difficult and controversial policy issues that are necessary for the country’s continued growth and sustained development. Dr. Minnis should be thankful as well.
In light of these easily verifiable facts based on empirical data, both Dr. Minnis and his outrageous, sensational and headline grabbing rhetoric cannot be taken seriously as he lacks credibility. He has shamelessly opposed and backed away from every piece of legislation and policy initiative that his FNM government advanced while he sat as a Cabinet Minister. This man simply lacks credibility and nothing he says can be trusted because he does not appear to believe his own rhetoric.
While this PLP government was hard at work on behalf of the Bahamian people, Dr. Minnis was busy distancing himself from the mess his FNM government left behind and trying his very best to obfuscate, oppose and block every piece of legislation or policy advanced by the PLP government to improve the quality of life for Bahamians everywhere.
While the government continues to work hard to build this country through making the tough but necessary decisions that Minnis and the FNM lacked the political courage and will to make, the Bahamian people should expect Minnis to do what he knows how to do best: find the most outrageous statement to make in hopes of grabbing a headline in a desperate attempt to appear relevant while offering NO viable policy alternative.
Minnis has a laundry list but pm says he is not ready for an election. The public says call one in the fnm
The process by which the National Insurance Board (NIB) engaged the services of Holiday Industrial
Builders International Limited for the construction of the building located to the West of the Paul L.
Adderley Building (“the Replica Building”) on J.F. K. drive is set out below. The procedure is
consistent with the framework in place at the NIB for the award of building contracts.
The Consultant Project Managers recommended the following contractors to be invited for
- Pyramid Construction Company Limited
- Ranmar Precision Development Company Limited
- Buildex Construction Company Limited
- Holiday industrial Builders International Limited
All candidates were required to pre-qualify.
Contractor pre-qualification documents were received on Friday, September 27,2013 and
submitted to the Quantity Surveyor (“QS”) on September 30, 2013.
The QS performed a pre-qualification analysis and submitted a report thereon in October
The invitation to tender was issued to pre-qualified contractors.
Sealed Tender Documents were submitted to the Director's office.
The four (4) Sealed Tender Documents were opened by the Chairman of the Contract
and Tenders Committee of the Board in the presence of the Contract and Tenders
Committee members, NIB Financial Controller, Manager in Charge of Purchasing,
Senior Deputy Director/Buildings, Project Manager, the QS, contractors and/or their
representatives plus a number of other NIB staff members.
Tender Documents submitted to QS for evaluation and QS subsequently
recommended Holiday Industrial Builders International Ltd.
NIB wrote to the Ministry of Work & Urban Development (MOW&UD) for confirmation that
the figures presented by the QS as to the value of the Replica Building were consistent
with current industry rates for similar construction. Confirmation in this regard was
obtained from MOW&UD Senior Quantity Surveyor. 2
The Contract and Tenders Committee recommended that the contract be awarded to
Holiday Industrial Builders International Ltd. subject to ratification by the Board of Directors
and statutorily mandated Ministerial approval.
The recommendation of the Contract and Tenders Committee was submitted to the Board
of Directors to engage Holiday Industrial Builders International Ltd. to construct the
proposed Replica Building, subject to Ministerial approval.
At the meeting of the National Insurance Board held on Thursday, November 28, 2013,
the Board of Directors ratified the decision of the Contract and Tenders Committee,
subject to Ministerial approval.
Subsequently, approvals for the Board of Director’s decision were sought, and obtained,
from the Minister (as statutorily required) and the Cabinet.
It should be noted that the records of the NIB reflect that the first construction contract
awarded to a company in which Mr. Lloyd Smith was principal, was Holiday Development
Construction Limited. The contract was awarded in November 1994 for the construction of a
local office in New Providence on the original Central Highway Inn property on Wulff Road.
This building currently houses the Wulff Road Local Office.
16 July 2014
(Translation from the IMF visit is that we must pass VAT if our economic prospects are to brighten. Growth is slow, although in the right direction. Unemployment remains high. Editor)
Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Staff Visit to the Bahamas
Press Release No. 14/354
July 18, 2014
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team, headed by Mbuyamu Matungulu, visited the Bahamas during July 14-18 as part of the regular consultation process with member countries on their economies. The team met with senior government officials and representatives of the private sector. At the end of the discussions, Mr. Matungulu made the following statement:
“Economic activity continues to recover, but momentum remains weak, with growth estimated at 0.7 percent in 2013, and expected to be limited to 1.2 percent this year. The fiscal consolidation process has begun, although its pace could be frustrated by delays in the introduction of the value-added tax (VAT). Preliminary data suggest that the fiscal deficit declined to 4.5 percent of GDP from 5.4 percent in the previous fiscal year. The deficit is projected to narrow further to just under 4 percent of GDP in the 2014/2015 fiscal year, provided that the VAT is introduced in the coming months.
“The economy’s external position is also expected to improve, with the current account deficit declining to 16.6 percent of GDP in 2014, compared to 19.4 percent in 2013, amid a modest strengthening of the external reserves position. The financial sector remains well capitalized and highly liquid, although it continues to deal with a sizable and aging stock of non-performing loans (NPLs).
“The staff team engaged in preliminary policy discussions with the Bahamian authorities in preparation for the annual Article IV Consultation discussions, tentatively scheduled for early November. It supported the authorities’ fiscal consolidation efforts in order to place the government debt on a declining path. This is essential to boosting investor confidence, further improving the growth outlook, and strengthening employment prospects. The mission emphasized the key role to be played by the VAT in that context. In this regard, the team encouraged the authorities to finalize the agreed VAT legislation to ensure the successful introduction of this key reform.
“The staff team welcomed the anticipated improvement to the external balance from the soon-to-be opened Baha Mar project, which would boost tourism earnings and contain official external borrowing to shore up reserves. The team counseled efforts to strengthen and diversify growth, in light of continuing high unemployment levels. In this context, the team urged accelerated implementation of planned reform of the energy sector. Finally, the mission welcomed the continued strength of the financial system, in the face of both high level of NPLs and a rapidly changing supervisory framework. In this respect, it urged continued close monitoring of credit risks, and supported government efforts at implementing appropriate domestic and international supervisory policies, including as recommended by the IMF’s recent Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP).”
Attorney General, Senator Allyson Maynard Gibson is shown with Ms. Brandy Norwood (Recording Artist and Actress). On 16th July, 2014 both ladies were inducted as Honorary Members of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. at the 66th Alpha Kappa Alpha Boule in Charlotte, North Carolina. Honorary Membership is the Sorority’s highest honor. Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded in 1908 on the Howard University Campus. Honorary Members include luminaries such as Mrs. Rosa Parks, Dr. Maya Angelou, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, Ms. Ella Fitzgerald, Dr. Keva Bethel, Mrs. Leah Tutu, Dame Nita Barrow, Mrs. Elinor Guggenheimer, Ms. Belva Davis, Judge Cheryl Albury, Judge Joyce London Alexander, Ms. Margaret Busby, Dr. Mae Jemison, Mrs. Carmen de Lavallade-Holder and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Senator Maynard Gibson said that she is grateful for and humbled by the honor and that with God’s help she intends to continue to uphold the principles and tenets of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
The Grand Bahama Youth Choir under the direction of Kevin Tomlinson visited Nassau for a one week tour for independence. They sang at venues including Pastor Myles Munroe’s Bahamas Faith Mission, Bishop Neil Ellis’ Mt. Tabor, The Pompey Square for the ceremony honouring 41 cultural heroes, a visit to the Prime Minister’s office, Dame Marguerite’s swearing in as Governor General, the Icon Awards, the Independence Service on Clifford Park. An exciting time was had by all. They wowed the Nassau crowd. Congratulations to them and to Mr. Tomlinson for a job well done.
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The photo shows the choir and their director during their visit to the Office of the Prime Minister in Nassau. |
You may click here for his full address to the Bahamians gathered in Miami to celebrate the 41st anniversary of the independence of The Bahamas.
Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell with Consul General Ricardo Treco and Mrs Treco at the 41st anniversary service in Miami last Sunday 13th July at St. Agnes Episcopal Church in Overtown.
That's our Bahamian flag in the North Sea being raised
Lieutenant Commander Warren Bain of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force is the Acquisition & Special Projects Officer (Europe), stationed at Damen Shipyards Gorinchem in the Netherlands where the new ships are being built for The Bahamas. Two ships have been delivered: the Arthur Hanna and the Durward Knowles. The flag of The Bahamas was raised on a test run in the North Sea and this photo appeared on his Facebook page.
Talking about agriculture, a productive meeting in New York held with Bahamian Government officials and investors about the Bahamas Agriculture Marine Science Institute project in North Andros on Monday 14th July. The PM travelled with the Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald and the Minister of Agriculture Alfred Gray. Then he flew to North Carolina as the guest of Bishop Neil Ellis of Mt. Tabor Church. The photos are by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.
Video Doing The Rounds On U S Spying
There is a video which is doing the rounds, that reports that Ryan Pinder the MP says that the US spies on everyone and he is not concerned. The report is put together by a British based journalist, complete with a picture of that journalist Nimord Kamer with Fred Mitchell, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The report gives a false picture of what transpired. Mr. Mitchell refused to have anything to say to the journalist whom he did not know and who was practicing as it stands a gotcha kind of journalism. That did not stop the report from being patched together to create what the so called journalist wanted to do.
Promo For Play The Darkest Hours ( A Bahamian Play On Suicide)
Disabilities Bill Passed.
Congratulations to Melanie Griffin, the Minister of Social Services, for her work in bringing the Disabilities Act 2014 to the House for passing. The act passed was with the unanimous consent of the Parliament on Wednesday 16th July. In the gallery at the time of its passage were representatives of the disabled community, who pronounced themselves pleased. We say to the disabled who were also gathered in the public square that the battle does not stop with the passage of legislation. There is still a lot of work to be done to change attitudes and to do the retrofitting of buildings in order to make them friendly for the disabled. The first such building that needs the work done or to be replaced is the House of Assembly where there is no way that disabled people can get into the House without being assisted.
An LGBT Rights Bill
Now that the Parliament has passed a bill protect disabled people from discrimination, Parliament has to move now to produce and pass an act to protect LGBT people from discrimination. This will no doubt cause howls of protest but we listened to what Glenys Hanna Martin said in her presentation to the House when speaking of the disable. The constitution protects the rights of “all” people, emphasis on all. Surely all includes gay people as well.
Mitchell in Istanbul
(photo to come)
Fred Mitchell MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs is shown with the official Bahamian delegation to the Caricom/Turkey Foreign Minister’s conference in Istanbul on Saturday 19th July. From left to right: Desmond Taylor (FSO), Joi Newbold (FSO), Constable Ronnie Ferguson( aide to the Minister).
Criticism Of Guardian Radio Krissy Love And Erin Ferguson
There is said to be an investigation into the conduct of two people at Guardian Talk radio about what they said and didn’t say on the radio about Dame Marguerite Pindling and her new appointment to the office of Governor General. The Manager of the station is said to be investigating whether on Monday 14th July Krissy Love, the talk show host and her guest Erin Ferguson crossed the line of propriety, good taste and even the law. The two have a reputation for a bitter and vituperative commentary. Ms. Love allegedly said that Dame Marguerite became Governor General because she slept next to a man
The Trouble With Myles
Myles Munroe now says that the leaders of the parties in The Bahamas need to move on. In remarks published in the Nassau Guardian on 14th July, Mr. Munroe who has increasingly been dabbling in political themes opined that leadership is a relay and not a sprint and the current leadership needs to leave the scene. Mr. Munroe who is in the same age and generation of Mr. Christie and Mr. Ingraham did not prescribe the same medicine for himself, perhaps in his vanity to keep his hair black at his age the rules don’t apply to him. Reading the tea leaves, it appears that Mr. Munroe is angling for a run himself for politics. He is a supremely arrogant man, full of self-promotion and opinionated to the core, and lots of half-baked ideas built on false premises. The back chat is that he has been meeting with Branville McCartney of the extra-parliamentary party DNA, which shows how barren Mr. Munroe’s vision is.
Renward Signs A Document
The Parliamentary Secretary Renward Wells MP is in a bit of a pickle because of a document shown on the web which alleges that he signed it and committed in a letter of intent to a half a billion dollar plus waste to energy project. People who have read it said that it is so circumscribed with what ifs that it is not worth the paper it is written on and is entirely unenforceable. However, that did not stop the press and the pundits from having a field day about how Mr. Wells who is not a Cabinet minister could sign such a document without the leave of his minister or the Cabinet. Philip Davis, the Deputy Prime Minister, to whom he reports, made it clear that he did not authorize the signature. This act made the list of matters delineated by the Leader of the Opposition in his press statement which he said were examples of the Prime Minister’s bad governance. Of course, he is one to talk, having appointed a senator who ends up having to be dismissed because he was charged with a gun offence and would not resign.
Brave’s Daughter Graduates
Congratulations to Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis and his wife Anne Marie on the graduation of their daughter Christina from Law School at the University of Kent. The DPM was in London for the graduation with Mrs. Davis.
Myron Rolle, Bahamian Rhodes Scholar At The U S Senate
Whitney Rolle is his pa. Mr. Rolle, senior, was a star athlete at St Augustine’s College. He moved to the states as a banker with his two older sons and this third son Myron was born in the States. He is a former Rhodes scholar, and professional football player in the States. He tells a compelling story about how Bill Bradley, former basketball star, affected his life for the better. He wanted to be like him. The video of his appearance before the US Senate on a hearing about student athletes is an appearance by a thoughtful, well-spoken young man.
Nygard Vs. Bacon And Their Surrogates
The struggle between the two foreign combatants in Lyford Cay, billionaires both Peter Nygard and Louis Bacon continues from the sublime to the ridiculous. Hired by Louis Bacon is Fred Smith Q.C. No legal argument for which money can be found is too foolish to make seems to be the creed there. He is now engaged in trying to stop Peter Nygard from getting title to an accretion in Lyford Cay which the opponents of Mr. Nygard say was illegally obtained and occupied. They believe that Mr. Nygard is bad for The Bahamas and accuse the PLP of being soft on Mr. Nygard because he gave substantial sums of money to the Party. There is a fake organization called Save The Bays, no doubt bankrolled by his rich opponent. Then there is Rev. C. B. Moss who appeared in a staged photo on the accreted beach claiming the land in the name of The Bahamas. The accusation is that he too is being supported by financially in his Don Quixote like quest by Mr. Nygard's rich opponent. Mr. Nygard is no slouch and he did not take it lying down. On Monday 14th July, some people showing up in Nygard T shirts, all black young men, from the bottom marched on to Bay Street to Rawson Square demanding justice for Mr. Nygard. His supporters are now threatening a similar march in Bain Town in front of C. B. Moss’s church. This is a dangerous thing that Mr. Nygard is able to mobilize grass roots people for his commercial cause; so is the government next on the list when he gets pissed off and cannot get the permissions that he needs. As a result of the court action by Fred Smith, the consultation period for the disposition of the land at Nygard Cay has been extended and there are some reports that there is an injunction in place preventing the government from making a decision. We have made no secret in this matter that we believe that there is a pox on both the house of Mr. Nygard and Mr. Bacon and the two of them should be excluded from The Bahamas on the grounds that their continued presence is not conducive to public order and contrary to the public interest. This whole thing is unseemly.
Hague Goes In British Cabinet Shuffle
William Hague is out as Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom in a Cabinet shuffle announced by Prime Minister David Cameron. Mr. Cameron the pundits say wants to bring in younger faces, more Euro skeptics and women to the Cabinet. Mr. Hague who was once the Conservative Party leader is to step down from Parliament after 26 years as a Member of the House.
Haiti Talks
The Haitian President Jean Michel Martelly is to lead a delegation to The Bahamas on 29th July to sign a series of bi-lateral agreements covering migration and agriculture. In preparation for the visit, a Bahamian delegation went to Port Au Prince last week headed by Agriculture Minister Alfred Gray to inspect the agricultural facilities there. Director of Agriculture Simeon Pinder has been resisting a phyto-sanitary agreement with Haiti which would allow export of agricultural goods to The Bahamas direct from Haiti even though the FDA of the United States permits exports direct to the U S from Haiti.
Comes Off As PLPs Squabbling In Public
There is a very public row going on between the Search Committee at the College of The Bahamas headed by retired Justice Ruby Nottage and the former College Chair Franklyn Wilson. Both are respected; both are PLPs. The issue is the choice of Rodney Smith as the new Head of the College of The Bahamas. Mr. Smith was fired under Mr. Wilson for plagiarizing. Mr. Wilson says that it would be an error to re hire him. The Search Committee took umbrage and said so publicly last week. There to feed the news to the public Candia Dames, no friend of the PLP. She defended her reports saying on her Facebook page that she saw nothing wrong with Mr. Wilson venturing an opinion. We bet she sees nothing wrong with it.
U S Visa Issues
Fred Mitchell MP speaking in Miami last week at the annual independence day celebrations of The Bahamas in Miami flagged visa issues with the US as among the important foreign policy objectives. Bahamians are complaining about their treatment at the Customs stations in Nassau and Freeport and the arbitrary manner in which visas are being cancelled by U S authorities.
US Warning On Credit Card Fraud
The U S is at it again, this time they are warning that there are examples of credit card fraud in The Bahamas. The warning issued last week on the State Departments’ website gives tips as to how to protect oneself from credit card fraud. Problem is the tourism ministry is concerned that it will give US tourists the impression that there is widespread credit card fraud in The Bahamas. Some Bahamians are saying this is yet another example of an unfriendly act by the US towards us. The US says they are just following their obligations under US law.
Nygard Says He Is Grateful
Peter Nygard is touched by the massive outpouring of love, support and appreciation that he has received through hundreds of phone calls and messages,” the statement said. “In particular he is grateful to the thousands of Bahamians who protested on July 14 for hours on West Bay Street in the heart of Nassau against Louis Bacon and in support of Peter Nygard for all he has done
for the inner city Bahamians.”--Peter Nygard Bahamian spokesperson
Solomon Humes Is Buried
Bishop Solomon Humes, part of the fabled St Augustine’s College Class of 1970 and a Bishop in the Church of God of Prophecy, was buried following a church service on Saturday 19th July. Bishop Humes was one of identical twins. John Humes his brother who survives him is also gravely ill and is also a Bishop, although in the Church of God.
Marlon Johnson Leaving BTC
Marlon Johnson Senior Vice President of Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd ( BTC) is leaving the company on 31st July. While it is being portrayed by some that this is part of the wholesale dismissal of former telephone executives leaving in the wake of Leon Williams return to the company, in this case one has nothing to do with the other. Mr. Johnson’s departure was planned before Mr. Williams return to BTC.
Congratulations To Kishan Munroe
He won an icon award last week for his work as an artist. He is Kishan Munroe. We think he is a genius. His signature work: Swan Song of The Flamingo now on display in the lobby of the Senate Building.
Fred Mitchell In Talks With Turkish Foreign Minister
The Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell in talks with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Friday 18th July. Foreign Service Officers Joy Newbold and Desmond Taylor were also in the meeting.
The Bahamian Delegation In Turkey
The Bahamian delegation to the Caricom/Turkish talks 20th July from left: Joi Newbold (FSO), Fred Mitchell, Minister, Desmond Taylor (FSO), and Constable Ronnie Ferguson ( aide to the Minister)
Condolences To Malaysia and The Netherlands And Others
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