Compiled, edited and constructed by Russell Dames...  Updated every Sunday at 2 p.m.
Volume 10 © 2013
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The site is compiled and edited in The Bahamas by Russell Dames, with writer Claire Booth

26th January , 2013
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THE YES VOTE IN BAY STREET:  They could have chanted “ We comin’” just like the Valley Boys.  They could have sung “aint no stopping us now.”  They came to Bay Street in their hundreds to demonstrate and petition the government and the people of the country to agree and pass legislation to formally regulate the business in which they are engaged web shop gaming.  Bay Street which has been the gathering place since those fellows started the Burma Road riots in 1942 came alive on Wednesday 23rd January as the people who support the yes campaign came to Bay Street to ask for the country’s support.  We hope they give it to them.  We join them in saying we hope they vote yes.  Our photo of the week then is that of yes campaigners on Bay Street in support of the proposition being put to the country by referendum on Monday 28th January.  VOTE YES.




It was the late former Chief Justice of The Bahamas Telford Georges who used to say in answer to some public propositions: either he is the greatest genius or we are the biggest fools.  That came to mind as Hubert Ingraham, the Prime Minister who said he had retired but who wants to come back into the game, has been awaiting his chance to interject himself into the debate.  Mr. Ingraham was petulant lastweek when first asked if he would engage in the referendum.  He said no.  He said it was a PLP thing.  He said it was merely an opinion poll and he intended not to participate.  What a difference day makes.  Tommie Turnquest found out the head way when Mr. Ingraham told him he was not running and then the next day unceremoniously and without notice unseated him. Now the country has heard and seen it again for themselves.

Mr. Ingraham now has a new position.  He is going to vote.  He is going to vote no and he is urging others to vote no.  In this he joins the hapless Dr. Hubert Minnis, his successor as head of the FNM party, whom he obviously reviles and despises more than Perry Christie.  With that intervention by Mr. Ingraham he shoved the ignominious Mr. Minnis off the front pages and into the background.  Of the five days of papers last week, fully half of them had some story about what Mr. Ingraham said on the front page.

In one of them he said when it was outlined by Michael Halkitis, the Minister of State for Finance, how Mr. Ingraham had bankrupted the country during his time and then hid the extent of the debt from the country, Mr. Ingraham responded that he and Michael Halkitis are not in the same league.  Well of course that is correct.  Mr. Halkitis is not a political infidel and does not take the Bahamian people for fools.  Mr. Halkitis is a class act and not a but as the Jamaicans would say.  The late Ena Hepburn used to say: you can't put a goat on a board floor, else it will prance.  And we say that again with regard to Hubert Ingraham and his propensity for stupidity and bad public policy.

This is man who should be hanging his head in utter shame and disgrace.  A story was recently recounted how because he cancelled the straw market contract which the PLP left in place when it was voted out of office, he hurt so many people. One is of a middle class couple, a professional man and his wife, well known in the country that have been utterly bankrupted at the end of their lives, lost everything and about to lose their home simply because of the crazy caprices of Hubert Ingraham.  The Bahamian people would be fools to listen to this man again.  They should vote yes just to be the opposite of what this fellow is saying.

Mr. Ingraham is living off a comfortable pension.  This is the same pension which he denied to Lynden Pindling his predecessor illegally. Yet he would put 3000 poor people who work in the gambling sector out of work. He comfortable collecting the same pension that he collected with his parliamentary salary when he was in office but denied civil servants the right to do the same.  One rule for Ingraham another rule for others.

We cannot hide the utter contempt for a man who should be before a court of law in this country charged with the abuse of the Bahamian people, if there such a charge.   The PLP was warned at the start not to take this fellow for granted and stop him dead in his tracks while they could.   As we watch with trepidation the vote on 28th January, as we look at all his hidden soldiers in the public service and in the press, we now know the same old play book is at work again.  Will the PLP continue to be like a deer with the lights in front of its face or will they smack this guy own while they still can?

Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 26th January 2013 up to midnight: 214,373
Number of hits for the month of January up to Saturday 26thJanuary 2013 up to midnight:686,044
Number of hits for the year 2013 up to Saturday 26th January 2013 up to midnight:686,044






If you walking with another man, they say they think you funny…
I wish they would mind their own business
--- Eddie Minnis and Der Brudders

Before he died so tragically way back in 2000, Archdeacon William Thompson had quite an intellectual debate with an English priest who came to The Bahamas who was openly gay.  Archdeacon Thompson was resolutely opposed to gay men and gay priests and the whole gay theme and agenda.  But he said that what gave him pause was when the priest said to him this thought. Supposed this is actually something which is conferred by nature and not a learned behavior as you think, the same way that your skin is black and there is nothing that you can do about it, but people hold it against you, and prejudge you because of it in the same way that they prejudge you because of the colour of your skin. 

In 1924, the legislature of Maryland passed a bill which made it possible for people who had amongst other maladies epilepsy to be sterilized.  The theory was that these people should not pass on their mental illness to another generation and so should be sterilized.  Science now tells  us that epilepsy is not a mental illness at all, and our moral and changing standards now tell us that even if it were a mental illness that is not a reason to sterilize someone.  

The point of the last story is that majorities are many times wrong and  just because it is  a majority opinion does not make it right, fair or just.  Just remember how Galileo was made to recant his assertion that the earth moved around the sun in the face of scientific evidence.  The Roman Catholic Church punished him for his views and only in this century had to formally relent that their position was wrong.  Too late to help Galileo.

On the platform on Washington D.C. on the 21st January, Barrack Obama, the American president, revered by Bahamians, argued for marriage equality, saying what he said during the run up to his re-election campaign even more explicitly that until our gay brothers and sisters have the same equality that everyone else has for the person they love, then our work is not done.
What was that which Martin Luther King Jr. said: judged by the content of your character.

In a world forum a far far away from The Bahamas, the Attorney General of The Bahamas Allyson Maynard Gibson addressed the issue of amending the constitution of The Bahamas to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation in Geneva, Switzerland on 23rd January.  The excerpt from her presentation is quoted in exten so below.  She said that there is no positive discrimination against gay people in The Bahamas. It of course leaves open the question of whether there is discrimination in another form.  She said that in 2006 when the last constitutional commission under Paul Adderley held its hearings there was no appetite for including sexual orientation in the constitution. She touted the fact that same sex relations in private are lawful in the law of The Bahamas, one of the few Caribbean countries where that is so.

The present law was introduced to Parliament by the late Paul Adderley and in its original draft contained 20 year penalties for consensual sex between same sex couples.  It created a new offence called lesbianism.  Mr. Adderley in introducing it said that the government had to put its stamp in law against morally objectionable behavior.  He later told the story of his children asking him after that statement in which world was he living and he changed his mind on the subject. 

The Europeans have always been concerned about our attitudes and laws toward that and the death penalty. Some European states are saying that there can be no financial development assistance from them as long as there is discrimination against gays and as long as there is a death penalty. Thankfully one supposes, The Bahamas does not need the assistance, so our intransigence on the subject can safely continue.

In the Constitutional Commission, the present incarnation headed by Sean McWeeney Q.C. a succession of religious leaders  have insisted that there is no need to include discrimination against gays in the constitution. Many of them did not want The Bahamas to vote for a resolution at the UN which would have decried violence against gay people.   That this would be the unchristian thing to do, according to them.  Further, many of them wanted the constitution amended so that  marriage will be defined as between a man and woman.  In this atmosphere, it was an act of bravery for the government’s spokesman in Europe to suggest that the issue of discrimination against gays should be studied. Although not enough, it was the right thing to say and to do.

As we watch with complete amazement and fright at the hysteria, irrationality and illogic and prejudice that goes on with the debate on gambling, other personal rights stand to lose big time by the same prejudice. This is an amazing and interesting society which votes against its self-interest. What is also frightening, perplexing is how the political appetite for this is non-existent and good people who know better go scrambling for the tall grass at the very hint of a discussion on the subject.  Not me, they quickly cry.

These same pastors, politicians and civic leaders leading the no vote are surrounded by gambling every day. Yet the simple question of regulation becomes a fundamental act of dishonesty on their part.

Gay men and women surround them as well in this society, everywhere.  They depend on them to sing in the church choirs, to direct the choirs, to run the Sunday schools, to read the bible passages on Sunday, to build the buildings, to fix the cars, to administer to the sick, to paste the Junkanoo costumes and to win medals in track and field, in the public service, who run for political office.  Yet if such an argument for equality were to break out here in The Bahamas all hell would break loose, lost in illogic and prejudice and dishonesty. A portent of the hysteria is one FNM representative in Parliament is constantly accusing others of the unspeakable sin. She has “gaydar” which surpasses all understanding.

There appeared at the Constitutional Commission to be one lone voice for some rationality on the topic and that was the President of COBUS,the student union president Ernesto Williams who argued that yes there was a need to ensure that there was no discrimination based on orientation.  Brave man. He too is right. Best of luck there.  By drawing attention now in this piece, we shudder to think what will happen to him now.

Earlier, one of the  young politicos was drummed out of office because he dared to suggest that discrimination against gays was wrong.  Such is the skittishness about this subject that even when these halting declarations are made, they are accompanied by the declaration: “well I am not one”.  The law has changed so significantly in the UK that it is no longer thought to be defamatory to say that someone is homosexual.  The real answer is even if you were so what.

Kudos to Simeon Hall, the Baptist Bishop, for his attacks on homophobic church men, and their selectivity when it comes to sin. The rest of us will cower in our fear, wallow in our prejudice and people will inevitably suffer simply because the society will not come into the modern era and stand up for what is right to do.



Hubert Ingraham, the former Prime Minister, is a thoroughly and politically dishonest man.  He now says that he has changed his mind and he is going to vote no in the referendum.  This is the same man who just last week said that he would not participate in this PLP exercise that was only an opinion poll.  He had to face the fact that his own party was telling its supporters to vote no. So he had to join the bandwagon or be accused of sabotaging his own party.  In the end he looks like a dishonest hypocrite. And isn’t it interesting that on the same day that Hubert Ingraham announces the no vote, the Nassau Guardian announces that people should vote no.  We support the yes vote.  We have had problems with how they have run the campaign.  We thought that the government should have been more forthright and ask people to vote yes.  We thought the PLP should not have clarified its statement last week and urged people to vote yes.  We hope it passes.  On Wednesday 23rd January, there was a massive demonstration in the public square in support of the yes vote but of course we do not think that this is necessarily representative of the country as a whole.  Craig Flowers who owns FML says that is prepared and willing to shut down all his shops if the country votes no.  We think that is a nice thing to say but we would not do that.  We say to the government that if the no vote on web shops succeeds it should be ignored.  The reasons for voting yes are compelling.  They have nothing to do with prejudice or morality.  They have everything to do with revenue collection and bringing order to something which at the moment is unregulated.  It also has to do with the freedom of adults to engage in a behavior which they will anyway.  When given the choice between freedom and restrictions, we say you should vote in favour of freedom. This simple point has been lost in the din of nonsense about religion and morality which have no place at all in this debate.





Dame Marguerite Pindling (left) is pictured taking the Oath of Office and signing the register as Deputy to the Governor-General presided over by Chief Justice Sir Michael Barnett, January 24, in the Drawing Room at Government House. (BIS Photo/ Derek Smith)




The Nassau Guardian reported on Friday 25th January that Keith Bell, the Minister of State for National Security,  talked to them about what will happen if the people of the country vote no on Monday 28th January to web shop gaming.  We agree with his statement and quote it with approval:

“ If the vote is no then you cannot just simply go there and rake the people out, arrest everybody, shut the place down, confiscate.  I think that would be sending a wrong message in a progressive, democratic liberal society. 

If the vote yes is successful, I believe given the fact that these premises have valid liceneces, they are paying national insurance and they are contributing to society in particular way they should be treated with dignity.

Then we are talking about being civil in what we do, whether or not someone offends the law.  Just like some who commit a very grave offence, that person still has the right to be treated with dignity and respect.”

(Go to the head of the class—Editor)





The Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party Bradley Roberts issued the following statement in response to Hubert Ingraham’s attack on the referendum and joining the vote no campaign. The statement was issued on 24th January:

Hubert Ingraham has zero credibility and his public comments on the upcoming Referendum should be dismissed as political rancor and sour grapes from a duplicitous former Prime Minister who once engaged the very Web Shop Operators he now seeks to vilify and demonize. This is shameful.

Ingraham obviously bit his tongue when he said, “the blatant disrespect and disregard of the laws of our land (by web shop operators and workers) is intolerable to (him).”

This cannot be the same man who invited the Web Shop owners to make their financial statements available to the then FNM government in an effort to formulate an equitable taxation regime for that industry that he fully intended to legalize and regulate.

I repeat the observations made by the FNM cabinet headed by this same hypocritical Hubert Ingraham. These observations are in a recently released Cabinet document CO2246 on the minutes of a Cabinet meeting that took place on the 21st May 2010:

“…the Law Enforcement Agencies have been ineffective in enforcing the laws against illegal gambling.” He now conveniently says, “to excuse illegal behaviour because it is supposedly too expensive to counter is unconscionable.”

The document further said, “the observation was made that most of the “numbers houses” have duly applied for and obtained Business Licenses.”

Further, “…the State itself has added legitimacy to these operations by accepting Business License submissions and issuing duly approved licenses.” He now conveniently says “I cannot now remain a silent observer as once again, perpetrators of illegal enterprises seek to further erode our democracy, disrespect our laws, and denigrate those who promote decency.”

The communication revealed that the FNM government intended to “take the steps to regularize these operators which have escaped national accounts for years.” He now conveniently says, “to excuse illegal behaviour because some believe that it will bring additional revenue to the Public Treasury is similarly inexcusable. It is clear that Ingraham wanted to legalize Web Shop Gaming to improve government revenue performance.

The document further revealed that the FNM “Government might hold a Referendum with the government not taking a position on gambling but undertaking to abide by the decision of the
citizenry in such a process.”

Ingraham has totally and fully repudiated every single policy position he advanced and promoted as Prime Minister and expects for the Bahamian people to listen to him? This is unprecedented in the history of Bahamian politics. This has never been done before. INGRAHAM HAS NO CREDIBILITY WHATSOEVER!!

He sits on the sidelines with no responsibility for governance and make utterly outrageous and ridiculous statements about the industry when his government was responsible to issuing the lion share of Web Shop licenses and did not see its way to shut down these operations for “their illegal behavior. “This is absolutely incredible.

If Hubert Ingraham wants to settle a political score with the PLP over the failed 2002 Referendum, then he should be a man and say so. If he is opposing the Referendum because he is not driving it then he should show some backbone and say so. This attempt to cowardly demonize the Web Shop owners and workers and use them as scapegoats is unseemly, petty and hypocritical.

I urge all Bahamians to firstly ignore Ingraham because you cannot trust anything he says. Secondly, I urge all Bahamians to exercise their rights and go out and vote their conscience on Referendum Day.





The following is an excerpt from the presentation by the Attorney General  Allyson Maynard Gibson as she defends the country in the universal periodic review before the Human Rights Council of the United Nations  in  Geneva, Switzerland. ( Please see the story above on Gay People in The Bahamas).  You may click here for the full statement.

In the delegation are sitting front row l to r: Marilyn Zonicle, Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister the Hon. Senator Allyson Maynard-Gibson; Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Cleola Hamilton; and back row l to r: Jewel Major, Charles Major, Melanie Zonicle and Angelika Hillebrandt.






MINISTRY FOR GRAND BAHAMA & NATIONAL INSURANCE - The Executive Chairman of the National Insurance Board the Rev. Dr. James Moultrie pays Courtesy Call on the Hon. Michael Darville, Minister for Grand Bahama January 24, "to let the Grand Bahama Community and the Ministry for Grand Bahama know that all is well at the NIB. Pictured from left: Cecile Williams-Bethel, Actvact Director; Renardo Curry, Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister; Minister Darville; Rev. Moultrie; and Melvin Seymour, Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Grand Bahama. (BIS Photo/Vandyke Hepburn)

MINISTRY FOR GRAND BAHAMA & NATIONAL INSURANCE - The Executive Chairman of the National Insurance Board the Rev. Dr. James Moultrie pays Courtesy Call on the Hon. Michael Darville, Minister for Grand Bahama January 24, "to let the Grand Bahama Community and the Ministry for Grand Bahama know that all is well at the NIB. Pictured from left: James Winter, Sr. Manager, Freeport Local Office NIB; Anthony Curtis, Assistant Director; Melvin Seymour, Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Grand Bahama; Rev. Moultrie; Cecile Williams-Bethel, Director NIB; Renardo Curry, Member of Parliament North Abaco and Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of The Prime Minister; Cecil Thompson, Under-Secretary, Ministry for Grand Bahama. (BIS Photo/Vandyke Hepburn)





Minister Glenys Hanna Martin addresses screening graduates.

Standing in the front row from left are Lorraine Armbrister, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Aviation; Yvette Treco of the local Organization of American States office (OAS); Shevaun Culmer, Program Manager-Organization of American States (OAS)/Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE); the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin, Minister of Transport and Aviation; the Hon. Hope Strachan, Minister of State for Transport and Aviation and Albert Razick of the United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Standing in the back row from left are Andrew Bonaby, Director of Security in the Department of Civil Aviation; Captain Patrick Rolle, Director of the Department of Civil Aviation and Wendell Carey, Aviation Security Inspector.

Nassau, The Bahamas --  25th January -- The graduation of 20 airport workers in terrorism screening is expected to strengthen aviation security throughout the Family Islands. 

The closing ceremony for the week-long Excellence in Screening Techniques Course took place at SuperClubs Breezes Resort, January 25, and was held in conjunction with the Department of Civil Aviation, the Organisation of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism (CICTE), and the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

Transport and Aviation Minister Glenys Hanna Martin noted that all of the participants were from the Family Islands, except for the senior managers from Bahamasair and acknowledged each trainee by the island from which they came.

“We have Mangrove Cay, Andros; Georgetown, Exuma; New Bight, Cat Island; Governor’s Harbour, Eleuthera; Marsh Harbour, Abaco; Bimini; the Berry Islands; North Eleuthera; Inagua; Rock Sound, Eleuthera; Stella Maris, Long Island; Treasure Cay, Abaco; Fresh Creek, Andros; Freeport, Grand Bahama; South Andros; and San Salvador,” said Minister Hanna Martin.

“You would all recall, even in the time you’ve been there, you’ve seen an evolution of these airports.  Historically, these Family Island airports were sort of matchbox-sized terminals with people going through with shorts and slippers, and it was a very relaxed atmosphere.”

Mrs. Hanna Martin said that now a lot of that has changed in many of these airports.  She gave examples of how Marsh Harbour airport is undergoing serious upgrade and high traffic, as well as Freeport, Exuma, and Cat Island.  She said the Family Island airports are quickly evolving into something more sophisticated.      

“I know there are challenges with space at a lot of these terminals and how you undertake your work and they looking to address all of that now with the funding that the government has accessed from the IDB to upgrade many more of these busy airports to ensure that we are physically infrastructure-wise equipped to deal with this heightened demands of increased traffic,” said Minister Hanna Martin.

“But the task that you have is such a serious one.  And in truth, it is one that is delegated to you on behalf of the Bahamian people.  You do it for us and you are actually protecting and defending the integrity of our sovereign borders.”

Minister Hanna Martin acknowledged the awesome responsibility the graduates face when screening travelers passing through The Bahamas.  She said the theme of the exercise, “Excellence in Screening”, should not be taken loosely because it is the ultimate objective for all in the human endeavor.

“In your area, it is particularly important because you have such a singular undertaking and focus on behalf of the people in this country.  And, I just want to urge you that as you do your work, and I know we are all human beings, but that you are always reminded that you are undertaking a task on behalf of all of us who are not there.  You are protecting our nation,” said Minister Hanna Martin.

Mrs. Hanna Martin said they should carry out their duties with diligence, with being astute, and tremendous focus and discipline, and seriousness because it is the nature of their undertaking.  She reminded them to share their knowledge with other security officers in their respective terminals and airports, and that they are trailblazers and gatekeepers of national interests. 

She also thanked the American Government and the OAS for partnering with The Bahamas Government, in particular the Department of Civil Aviation in assisting with this training.

“I just hope that you will always be cognisant of how important your role is and your function is to the scheme of things in our country and how much depends on how good you are, how focused you are, which level of excellence you are operating at, that really dictates so much about the quality of how we are as a people,” said Minister Hanna Martin.

“We have a wonderful country.  We have good and worthy people and I am certain that you are good and worthy and that is why you are here.  And when you go back and share your knowledge, I trust you will do so with the same sort of passion that Mrs. Butzko [Betty] shared in a most passionate way, and you will do the same when you go to your colleagues in the various airports.”

Minister of State in Transport and Aviation, the Hon. Hope Strachan organised the Family Island training session so that those remote airports would be able to detect breaches in security and respond effectively. 

The participants who received certificates were: Coleen Bain, Andros; Cheryl Barr, Exuma; Melissa McKenzie, Cat Island; Andre Butler, Eleuthera; Patricia Clarke, Abaco; Julia Hanna, Bimini; Natasha Johnson, Berry Islands; Ernie Kelly, North Eleuthera;  Kevin Kelly, Inagua; Jasmine Leary, Eleuthera; Maxine, McKenzie, Exuma; Euley Glinton, Long Island; Julieann Mills, Abaco; Shervin Miller, Andros; Anthony Mortimer, Freeport; Natheria Pratt, San Andros; Cathy Storr, San Salvador; Dominique Johnson, Bahamasair; Bradtesha Pratt, Bahamasair; and Khino Ferguson, Bahamasair.




Minister of National Security the Hon. Dr. Bernard J. Nottage, addresses the Ministry of Education, Science and Tecnology's 11th Annual Thanksgiving and Recognition Ceremony, 25thJanuary, at Living Waters Kingdom Ministry, Warren Street. The theme for the ceremony was "Recognising Outstanding Achievements."  (BIS Photo / Raymond A. Bethel)   




The following was published on the website on Friday 25th January:

In 2007 16 licenses were issued by the Ministry of Finance which Ingraham headed. In 2008 – 18, 2009 – 18, 2010 – December 31, 2011 – 27 and in January of 2012 –28 licenses were issued for web shop gaming in the Bahamas.

The group of licensees included new and old operators during the periods.
It included:

FML, ASUE Draw, Island Luck, Flamingo Web Shop, Mega Hits, The Daily Ticket, Island 411, Chances Internet Services, Bahama Dreams, I Internet Café, Icy Hot Technologies, Luck and Dreams, Fun City, Chances Internet, Destiny Internet, North Eleuthera Web, Prophetic Literary Café, Big Game, What, Eninn Felix, J.A.M, Cash Play and Paradise Games.

The names of the owners of the companies are equally shocking and from what we know, a majority of the owners are surgically and spiritually tied to the Free National Movement.
To agree with a “NO” vote would suggest that Ingraham and the Sanhedrin Council of the Bahamas want the illegality of the operations to remain and have no regulations therein.



This statement by former Freeport News Editor Oswald Brown was published on Facebook following Hubert Ingraham’s statement that he will vote no in the referendum on 28th January.

IS INGRAHAM PLANNING A COMEBACK? : There is every indication that Hubert Ingraham is planning to make a comeback. If you read his criticism of the government and the deficit in this morning's Nassau Guardian, I'm sure you will agree. Here's a quote from him: "Zhivargo Laing spoke for me clearly when he issued his statement and we await further indication from the prime minister and his government about the deficit." Zhivargo Laing "spoke for me..." and "...we await further indication"...?

Add to this the fact that Sharon T. Turner, his former personal photographer and PR person, among other duties, continues to assail current FNM leader Dr. Hubert Minnis every chance she gets, then the evidence almost indisputable.

Now we have a better understanding why Laing resigned as a senator; clearly, he did not want to serve under Dr. Minnis and he is still misguided and naive enough to believe that as Ingraham's self-appointed heir apparent, he will one day become Prime Minister. That's why he is all over the place commenting on this and that.

Obviously, these two have absolutely no shame and totally believe that the Bahamian people will forget that the economy of The Bahamas is such a deplorable state because of the mismanagement of this country's economy by Ingraham as Minister of Finance and his inept and incompetent Minister of State for Finance Laing, who would do anything he can to get back in that position so that he can pay himself $6,000 more a month than other cabinet ministers as housing allowance. He has yet to explain that blatant act of corruption to the Bahamian people as well as his involvement in the Mona Vie scandal, which Ingraham covered up.





Please define Harry Hippie for me hence the song  tell me if gambling made Harry that way!

This morning as I try to write this maybe a little different as I’m expressing all of my thoughts and it may appear as if I’m incoherent. Really, however, I’m trying to multi-task, watching my newest grand Hailey Kendall and thinking about my other one Khefri. Every time a thought comes to my head Hailey Kendall distracts me, but as this is my final boarding call for the referendum tomorrow I must manage them both.  As we think about voting tomorrow let’s think about YESTER day, and let’s refer to all of us who will VOTE YES tomorrow as “Yesters” because Yester reminds us of YESTER day.  As I’m looking into Hailey Kendall’s eyes as she sucks on her fingers perhaps teething, yesterday becomes more prevalent to mind. Oh yesterday, with the number men and yes we remember Percy ‘Pete the Mule’ Munnings by the way he’s the grandfather of Pete Deveaux of Island Games.  We see those “No oers” headed by the former prime minister Hubert Alexander Ingraham and we knew by now that his position on abstaining from this issue would’ve changed, this column knows that blackbird don’t change into a canary and Juju tree can’t produce plum. You see the “No er” Ingraham reminds me of a story out of Fox Hill; where Livingston was trying to pretend he was a JP, all along knowing quite well that Josiah was the JP. And remember Ronnie Butler’s rendition of Crow Calypso’s song that says “don’t mine Livingstone Josiah (Christie) is the JP”. But back to the point for us Yesters, let’s remember “The MulePercy Munnings the greatest pioneer of the numbers industry in this country. He was described as “a mule” because he took the load for black people who in their country couldn’t be the beneficiaries of any social, business or financial advancement. The corner sometimes remembers back then when Milo Butler, a black merchant sided with the then PLP in the 1950s as he wanted to be in an organized political party.  The white UBP government couldn’t tolerate that because his businesses had credit with them as with the banks on Bay Street. Consequently, his joining the PLP along with other black businessmen they were victimized and denied credit and banking access. This was particularly so for Milo Butler when he had the franchise to import Robin Hood flour. Let’s not forget Charlie Rodriguez, the Grants Town businessman and perhaps many others businessman who suffered the same fate as Sir Milo because of their political ties to the PLP and their advocacy for betterment for black people.  But there was hope and help for those men, then came Percy “Pete the Mule” Munnings the number man with the number money to lend and offer financial assistance to sustain them during those periods and who never charged interest. So naturally, it bothers this corner when I hear the “No ers” run on but how destructive gaming / gambling/ webs hop are socially.   Let them be reminded that the middle class expansion in this country from the 1950s to date has outpaced any other nation in this Caricom region in the growth of the middle class while the numbers industry existed and still does. Again, if the gaming or gambling was so destructive how did that happen? I may not have been to those types of schools but I’m no fool, like I said this morning is the last boarding call to do right, and give honor to a business that is so disdained and scorned by some but that has done so much to the social and economic development in this country.  For it to be even associated with “gangsterism” and racketeering is truly heart breaking.  Again, let me ask those “No ers” of our Christian faith whom when taking cruises or travelling to church conventions, or staying at hotels overseas, you could find every bitch and  their brother  engaging in games of chance some pulling the one hand bandit (slot machines) and others Playing 21 (black jack), or at the crap table shooting dice.  But now in this referendum they are pretending to be so sanctified it’s ok to gamble there but not here let’s get real people VOTE YES and give the web shop businessmen a chance of legitimacy.  Like I said my thoughts may be a little incoherent this morning as I am trying to watch my granddaughter Hailey Kendalland write at the same time.

 But as we VOTE YES let us remember Talbot “Stokes” Thompson like Percy “The Mule” Munnings who were God fearing men and church members of that great cathedral over the hill on Blue Hill Road;  who has done so much for that parish because what they made they gave in tithes and otherwise. The number men, for God’s sake lets honor them , let’s right the wrong and uplift their names in a better place in our history, not as racketeers, not as gangsters, but as the benefactors of the social revolution that came to be in during the 40’s, 50’s and climaxed in 1967. It’s the same revolution that brought black majority rule to this country.  It was the same revolution that made it possible for poor black Bahamians to go off to college and to pursue higher level education.  But before then people in my mother’s era Gloria Strachan Hepburn Demeritte were denied an education after the age of fourteen even though she was the smartest girl in Rum Cay at the time. However, the moneyPercy Munnings and Stokes Thompson donated to the great political organization the PLP made getting an education obtainable through their unselfish commitment for the social advancement of their people.  So I plead to my mother who is still living, I plead to my aunts and my uncles, I plead to my cousins, I plead to my friends, I plead even to the hypocrites, and I plead to all those who this corner will reach to VOTE YES, give the “fells dem” the legitimacy that they so deserve. Let no man or woman tell you that you are not responsible individuals, you are not going to take your full salary to web shops you are going to pay all of your bills and tithes at the end of the month and you would’ve met all of your financial obligations and responsibilities, then what’s left is called disposable and you have a right to dispose of that in whatever way you choose.  You could go to the liquor store, you could go to the sport lounge, you could go to the web shop or even go to the brothel. That’s not destructive that’s YOUR CHOICE.  Let no man tell you cannot be responsible!  

The corner is long this morning as this is the last boarding call but interpretively speaking I’m trying to give definition to the term that the “No ers” use as destructive, gambling. But the chief “No oer” Hubert “Livingston” Ingraham has the most destructive vice that could be herald on any man it’s called political addiction or power addiction. You tell me if my definition is wrong check the history of Adolf Hitler, Julius Caesar, Alexander the GreatAnastasio Somoza, Idi Amin, Benito Mussolini, and Muammar Gadaffi, just to name a few that’s a destructive vice, and they epitomized it.  I hope Perry “Josiah” Christie doesn’t follow that same path.  The corner is hot this morning but I have to leave now because Hailey Kendall is crying and I don’t know what Khefri is doing you know you can leave children alone. As much as I like this game they come first even though the corner is on a roll and has so much more to say but the corner has to go. So VOTE YES for yester YOU, yester ME, yester HE, yester SHE, in honor of Percy ‘The Mule’ Munnings, Talbot “Stokes” Thompson, Bowe Stuart, Allen ‘Father Allen’ Smith, Gene ‘The Baron’ Toote, Ces “The Hispaniard” Gonzalez and Theopolis ‘the king of sports sponsorship’ Fritz who by the way is the only living one mentioned who made us as a people better for their good deeds of Yester DAY!


VOTE YES for Craig, Kenny, John, Shaun, Sebas, Adrian, and Pete my friends as this is the final boarding call, tomorrow I believe we will succeed, be firm my friends may God be with you’re no hypocrites you’ve done well for all. 


The Corner


Forrester Carroll writes from Freeport in the last of a four part series on the legacy of Hubert Ingraham versus what the PLP did and are trying to do for The Bahamas. 

In the PLP’s proposal Sir Lynden’s cabinet required that the Port Authority construct (and fully equip) two senior high schools within the Freeport area; a children’s library in downtown Freeport; a sporting facility in eight mile rock; the extension of utilities island-wide and an array of other items I cannot now recall. It was estimated, at the time, that should the terms for the proposed twenty-year extension of exemptions be concluded successfully we (the Bahamian people) would have foregone the collection of an accumulated $372 million in real property taxes over the extended twenty-year period; we estimated we would have gotten less than $50 million, in return for our generosity, from the Port Authority which would have been the approximate value of the demands that the government had made on them. In our prudence, however, we were willing to do it so as not to further stifle Freeport’s growth. Hubert Ingraham, on the other hand, came to office and drastically changed the PLP’s proposal, unnecessarily, by first proposing to extend (and did indeed extended) the period of exemption for 25 years (five years longer than the twenty years the PLP planned on giving them); with the five extra years, of exemption from the payment of real property taxes, the Port Authority gained an additional $84 million. Ingraham, further, proposed to let the Port out of Pindling’s demand for a sporting facility in eight mile rock and a children’s library in downtown Freeport; as well he asked them not to build the two senior high schools, in Freeport as Pindling required, but rather to give his government $7 million cash and the government would build the schools themselves. He was strongly advised, at the time, that $7 million couldn’t build and equip two new adequate facilities, as required, but Ingraham was who he is and the Port gladly agreed to opt out of the headache of overseeing the construction with the usual change orders and cost overruns etc. As it turned out, (and just as we predicted), the $7 million was insufficient to build, equip and furnish the two high schools, with gym facilities and all, so Ingraham was obliged to further compromise the Bahamian people by agreeing to name the schools in honour of Sir Jack and Mr. St George; in that way he was able to get the two Port Authority Executives to complete the facilities from their own personal resources; this bad deal will form, as well, a part of this bad prime minister’s bad decision-making and hence his bad and colourful legacy. It was very obvious, at the time, that Ingraham wanted to control the construction of the two school buildings for one simple reason and that was to ensure that FES Construction Ltd, in which Ingraham always takes a special interest, received at least one of the building contracts; the record will show that FES Construction Ltd was, in fact, awarded the contract for the construction of Sir Jack Hayward High without having to undergo a bidding process even. In other words Ingraham just simply gave FES the contract and allowed no other construction company, in the Freeport area, to bid; he allowed no bidding to take place for either of the two schools and as was stated earlier the $7 million was insufficient to construct, furnish and equip the facilities. If the Port was left to award the contracts themselves, mind you, both the schools would have been built by Reef Construction Co. Ltd for it was well known, throughout Grand Bahama, that they were the contractors, of record, for all Port Authority construction contracts. As it turns out, however, the extension of the concessions (for the 25 years) to the year 2015 may have been a blessing in disguise as the PLP government now has the opportunity to begin negotiating some real benefits for the Bahamian people as the time, to 2015, winds down.

Another sell-out by Hubert Ingraham is the deal he agreed with Hutchison Whampoa at the container port here in Freeport. For fifty lousy cents per container (twenty-five cents in and twenty five cents out) he gave them carte blanche to operate as they please. In other jurisdictions these same operators pay the government five to ten dollars per each container arriving and the same when they leave. Hubert Ingraham always seemed to settle for peanuts when he is negotiating from across the table with foreigners; he’ll cuss and insult Bahamians but when white foreigners are looking him dead in his eyes he seemed to just crawl into a shell and surrender. I get the distinct impression that as long as the people sitting across the table from him are not black (and Bahamian) he seemed to lose all sense of focus; do you think the reason has always been that he felt inferior to the white folks with whom he had to make those deals? Not only that but Ingraham agreed to pay Hutchison Whampoa three dollars ($3.00) for each passenger leaving Freeport, for foreign, either from the airport or the harbor; they say the $3.00 was to subsidize a proposed “Home Porting” project that Hutchison had promised to pursue, for Freeport, but which has not materialized to date; Are we still giving them the $3.00 per passenger Mr. Minister of Tourism, Obie Wilchcombe? If we are then please, Mr. Minister, insist that they live up to this commitment, and deliver the goods, or alternatively refund the treasury every damn dollar they have stolen from us. Ingraham was allowed to run amok with the people’s recourses (unrestrained) and with all that freedom he failed to do even one damn thing that has benefitted the Bahamian people in the three five-year terms he’s been in power and prime minister. 

This Bahamian hater was observed, with his gathering of FNM stooges (19th July 2012), using the minority party room at the House of Assembly to speak to the press on what was supposed to have been the occasion of his (Ingraham’s) departure from politics. As he sat there with Zhivargo Laing and Phenton Neymour (two of his staunchest supporters) capping off his legacy as it were, I was reminded of the Biblical account of Eli and his two rascal sons-Hophni and Phinehas; they were priests in the Temple of God. Hophni and Phinehas, Eli’s two sons, refused to adhere to their father’s advice and kept on abusing their priestly privileges. They kept the choicest parts of the meat of the animals (offered by the people for their required sacrifices) for themselves and had their way with all the pretty damsels (young ladies) who worked in the temple. The two boys were good-for-nothing rascals whom the Bible designated as the “sons of Belial.” When their father discontinued admonishing them he was warned by the Prophets that doom would befall his household; that both his sons, and himself, would die on the same day and so it was that they all died as the Prophets foretold; as well the wife of Phinehas, who gave birth to his son on the day of his death died, as well, in childbirth; God’s judgments are very sure. This story is a very close narrative to Ingraham’s 19th day of July 2012 story-he being the Eli in the Bible story along with his two rascal sons Zhivargo Laing (Hophni) and Phenton Neymour (Phinehas). Like the Biblical trio, in the story, they all perished that day (19th July) as it were; the three of them died politically. Sadly, in the land of the FNM blind, though, one-eyed Hubert Ingraham will always be King.

Sir Lynden, after 25 years in power, left us with The College of the Bahamas; national Insurance; a national defense force; an efficient (as can be) social services network; a vastly improved education system; more improved medical facilities; a Bahamization program; a far better judicial system; an unemployment rate of less than 10%; a national debt at only $970 million and a host of other meaningful positives. Ingraham, on the other hand, after 15 years in power, left us with a devastated country with unemployment at 16% nationally (22% in Grand Bahama) and 34% among the nation’s youth; a current budget (2012-2013) deficit of $650 million; a national debt of $5.3 billion; a messed-up New Providence road project with cost overruns of more than $120 million including a compensation package of $15 million for businesses which were adversely affected because of his government’s negligence; a foreign controlled BTC; a Bay Street-controlled (20 year monopoly) Arawak Cay Port; a mortgage default rate, within the banking system, of around 70%, a country in decline and on the brink of economic collapse. He left us subservient again to our former masters and he devastated the structure put in place by successive PLP governments for the upward mobility and protection of the majority population. The man left us with an uphill battle for equality-a battle we thought has been fought (practically) successfully already-a battle we thought was put far behind us.   

Ingraham has now gone off the scene (I suppose) into the political wilderness (in despair) disgraced and with his tale (as it were) between his legs like a dog. His Legacy (in a nutshell) being that of the dismantler and the remover of all the gains which were achieved, over many years since 1967, for Bahamians and so I say-good bye to the rascal and good riddance to the betrayer.

Thank you.
Forrester J Carroll J.P
Freeport, Grand Bahama

Rev. Emmett Weir
Reverend Emmett Weir is a Methodist Minister who contributes from time to time to the wider debate.  He circulated this commentary on gambling through the web and in the Freeport News.

You may click here for the full letter



Terry Gape:
Terrence R. Gape is a Partner with the firm Dupuch and Turnquest and Co, running the Freeport office.  Last year he wrote a thoughtful piece about the Grand Bahama Port Authority and what it should be doing and what the government ought to be do in Freeport.  He has circulated this additional commentary.

You may click here for the link to the letter



Letter to the Editor_A "YES vote a no-brainer - By:" Elcott Coleby"

A “YES” vote a no-brainer

Dear Editor

On Referendum Day I am voting “YES” for a number of reasons and I urge Bahamians to consider the following:

The issue of gambling in The Bahamas was settled more than 50 years ago. The issue of discrimination against Bahamians, which has implications for freedom of choice and civil rights, remain unresolved. This Referendum seeks to partly resolve these lingering issues by simply asking Bahamians if they believe that Bahamians and others, who have the desire, should be allowed to engage in a game (or games) of chance in a fully regulated environment.

It is not a confusing issue to me – I either believe in somebody’s right to choose or I do not. I do not gamble personally, but I believe in the rights of Bahamians to engage in a game of chance if they so desire. I do not need to know the details of the regulations for Web Shop gaming or a National Lottery to decide on such a fundamental philosophical question. I am a proponent and a defender of freedom and further Mr. Editor, a person’s decision to gamble does not infringe on my personal freedom and rights as a Bahamian citizen.

Some have expressed the concern of concentrated wealth in the hands of a few Bahamians. Mr. Editor, I was never concerned that a hand full of foreign casino owners earned and repatriated hundreds of millions of dollars in casino revenue out of The Bahamas for decades. I am therefore not concerned about a hand full of Bahamians earning millions in the very same industry. I say God bless them. If shares are made available to the general public in this profitable industry, I intend to invest and become an owner.

Regarding the argument of process, changing the law before the Referendum is held would nullify the government’s position of neutrality on this issue because of the mandatory vote in Parliament.

Further and in defense of the current Prime Minister, he is the only national political leader who remained consistent in his position. He agreed as far back as 2010 that the question should be put to the Bahamian people with the government remaining neutral and abiding by the results of the Referendum. To his credit, he has demonstrated extraordinary courage and discipline in holding true to those promises to the end. Unlike the leader of the opposition and the former Prime Minister, current Prime Minister Christie never told Bahamians how to vote.

There is no evidence as far as I can see that the Prime Minister engaged the machinery of his government or his party in promotion of the “YES” vote. His opponents have accused him of this because he publicly stated that a “NO” vote majority would increase unemployment and taxes and a “YES” vote would improve government revenue. If his opponents were totally honest, they would also admit that the Prime Minister invited the clergy to advise the government on formulating a treatment regime to combat chronic gambling addition. This is an admission of the drawback of gambling by the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister has been extensively and unfairly vilified in the media by both his political opponents and Editorial Boards. I accept these expressions as part and parcel of the general nature of democratic politics, the inherent freedom and independence of the press and the price Prime Ministers often pay for being the man in charge.
This is democracy at its best.

At the end of the day Mr. Editor, beyond the smoke screens, the smoke and mirrors, the distractions, the hidden agendas, the pretexts and the political bluster – the Referendum boils down to a litmus test of tolerance for personal freedom and the freedom of choice, all fundamental tenets of a free, modern democratic society. If you believe in freedom of choice, then a “YES” vote is a no-brainer.

YOURS etc.;
27 January 2013 




The Nassau Guardian _ A Special Place In Hell?

On the same day that Hubert Ingraham announced that he would vote no to the referendum questions, the Nassau Guardian wrote that the Bahamian people should vote no.  They are on the wrong side of history and wrong to make that pronouncement.  Perry Christie, the Prime Minister, has rightly said he will not be deterred.

Rollins On Race In The House

Richard Lightbourne is something of a lightning rod in the House of Assembly being a  throw back in his view to the age of the United Bahamian Party when one race ruled the black race in The Bahamas with a discriminatory hand.  There was a back and forth in the House.  Mr. Lightbourne ended up calling one member an ass and the House broke up on Wednesday 23rd January.   Andre Rollins, the Gaming Board Chairman, stood to his feet and directly challenged Mr. Lightbourne saying that he wondered whether race came into play when Mr. Lightbourne argued for higher taxes for the web shop owners than the hotels pay on gaming.   Mr. Lightbourne as he would professed to be astounded. 

RFK Jr. On Oil Spill

Robert Kennedy Jr, is a passionate environmentalist.  He had an opportunity to speak to the issue when he was in Nassau last weekend.  On Monday 21st January Mr. Kennedy was speaking at the College of The Bahamas.  He revealed that reefs in the vicinity of Clifton Pier are dead largely because the measures to stop oil spills from harming the reefs have failed. He blamed BEC, and the oil companies who use the dock out there for the problem. 

Mitchell Off To Chile

Fred Mitchell, the Foreign Minister, is in Chile today filling in for the Prime Minister at a Heads of Government meeting which brings all heads from across the Caribbean and Latin America together except the US and Canada.  He returns to The Bahamas on Monday 28thJanuary.  His visit to Chile was preceded by a private visit with Sidney Poitier in Los Angeles. 

Khaalis In Hollywood With Rick Fox

Minister for Investments Khaalis Rolle was hosted to a dinner by Nicole Avant, the former U.S. Ambassador to The Bahamas in Los Angeles on Thursday 24th January.  He was joined by Bahamian former pro basketball player Rick Fox and as he left met Kevin Hart, the comedian and Grant Hill, the former Detroit basketball player.  Mr. Hill likes Imperials, the greasy spoon that you go to in Nassau at 2 .am. when the dealings done.  A happy time seemed to be had by all.

Advanced Poll Takes Place.

The yes vote seemed overwhelming at the advanced poll which took place on Monday 21st January through the country.  Those who could vote were police, the poll workers, defence force and people who would be away when the poll takes place.  Not to get too cocky about that.  It’s the votes in the ballot box that counts, not the large crowds around the boxes.

Obama Inaugural Photo Facebook

We present Barrack Obama, President of the United States.  The second time around is sweeter than the first says the song.  Mr. Obama was sworn in on 21stJanuary as the President in Washington D.C, to start is second term.

Bradley’s Clarification Not Necessary.

Just for the record, we did not believe and do not believe that nay clarification was necessary from the PLP Chairman on his statement to PLPs to vote yes.  The statement was issued after he spoke to the Women’s Branch of the PLP, this time last week and told them to vote yes.  PLPs should vote yes and should be encouraged to do so.  The PLP can say what it wants.  The government’s position is entirely different from the PLP as a party.  The clarification caused confusion and allowed the Nassau Guardian to run a headline that the PLP was flip-flopping. Not good.

Dar ron Cash

Darron B. Cash, the Chairman of the FNM, thought he was being clever when he welcomed the remarks published on this site last week by Gaming Board Chairman Andre Rollins.  Mr. Rollins in a very thoughtful piece gave in our view the compelling reason why this debate is an idle one and we ought to vote yes.  Mr. Cash saw it as an opportunity as he would to score political points, welcoming it but saying that he hoped Mr. Rollins would survive the PLP’s discipline.  Nonsense. Nothing in that piece rose to that point at all. 

Wrinkle Guilty Of Stealing Electricity

Stephen Wrinkle, the former head of the Bahamas’Contractors Association, was found guilty of  stealing electricity, by Magistrate Darrence Rolle.  Mr. Wrinkle was to be sentenced on Friday 25th January. Mr. Wrinkle should check the record though of Mr. Rolle’s decisions upon appeal.

Sharon Turner Should Tell Truths No Untruths

Sharon Turner, the special friend of Hubert Ingraham and his favourite amanuensis, was spreading idle and deceitful propaganda on Facebook about embassies being closed for the advanced poll in the referendum which took place on 21st January.  The Parliamentary Commissioner Sherlund Hall announced that all embassies were open for the vote.

RKF’s Beautiful Girlfriend

Robert Kennedy Jr. had a beautiful woman on his arm when he came to The Bahamas to help commemorate the visit that his late uncle the former President of the United States made to The Bahamas in 1962.  Her name is Cheryl Hines and she is the wife on Curb Your Enthusiasm, the HBO series.  Beautiful as the picture shows.

PNM Takes All 12 seats in Tobago

There was an  election in Tobago last week, one half of the country Trinidad and Tobago.  It is generally speaking an African redoubt in a country which is split between Indians and Africans.  The Prime Minister Kamala Biscessar, an Indian, staked her political capital on  getting at them.  The campaign of the ruling People’s Partnership was that  they would win and thereby send Keith Rowley, the Leader of the Opposition to the showers.  It was not to be.  Instead, the PP got wiped out.  The local campaign suggested that the Prime Minister and her band were bringing the boat to Calcutta to Tobago and it should be rejected.  Next move Rowley and the Opposition PNM.

Dencil Douglas Has Trouble In St. Kitts

Two Prime Ministers survived the reversals of fortune that began in 2006 when St. Lucia’s Kenny Anthony lost his re-election bid.  That was followed in Jamaica, The Bahamas, Barbados and Grenada.  Left standing in the reversals was Dencil Douglas in St. Kitts and Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent.   Even Patrick Manningwas eventually humbled in Trinidad.  Some have now come back: Jamaica, Bahamas, and St. Lucia.  Barbados is on the threshold of elections, the mandate there runs out on 12thFebruary, run right out to the end.  Looks like the former PM Owen Arthur is set to come back.  Grenada has elections on 19th February and Keith Mitchell looks set to win there again having lost in the reversals. Now there is a sign that there is a problem in St. Kitts: Timothy Harris one of the rising stars of the party has been asked to resign by Prime Minister Douglas and the word is general elections will be held there again within three months barely a year and half into the new term.


Congratulations To The Williams Sisters

The Williams sisters, Elaine Pinder, Sharon Stuart, Abertha Bartlette, Veronica McIver and Ethelyn Lundy were all honoured at the Trump Awards in
Atlanta, Georgia last week. Best to them. Mrs. Pinder and her sisters are the driving engines behind the successful Bamboo Shack franchise

Success At Geneva

The report is that The Bahamas' presentation went well at the Universal Periodic Review in Geneva, Switzerland last week when the country's human rights record was reviewed. Congratulations to all including the Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson for a job well done.

 Rigby is 7

Mrs. & Mrs. Raynard celebrated their daughter Zarah's 7 birthday yesterday no expense was spared and a great time was had by all.


Vincent Colby Dies


26th January 2013


Bradley Roberts

National Chairman

Progressive Liberal Party


I am deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of Hurbert Vincent Coleby, affectionately known as "Big Vince."

Mr. Coleby was the first and only Bahamian President of Shell Bahamas Limited, having assumed that post in 1987 and paved for way for Bahamians to head major petroleum companies in The Bahamas. He remains one of the finest success stories of the Bahamas Government's Bahamianization policy. 

He made Shell Bahamas Ltd. a leader in the local petroleum industry and was noted for driving the establishment of Shell's expansive petroleum operations throughout our Family Islands and Turks and Caicos with the supply of not only automotive fuels, but also LPG cooking gas.

Under his leadership, Shell became a prominent and exemplary corporate citizen where its sponsorship of the Saxons Junkanoo Group (under the name "The Shell Saxons Superstars") contributed significantly to the cultural development of The Bahamas.

 Shell's financial support of the jump-start business program afforded many Bahamians the opportunity to establish small businesses thus releasing their entrepreneurial spirit and providing them with the confidence to further build our economy.

 A native of Nichol's Town Andros, Mr. Coleby was the unsuccessful candidate for the Progressive Liberal Party in the 1997 General Elections for the North Andros Constituency. The PLP remains grateful for his political contributions to our party and national service to our country, especially during the first Christie administration when Mr. Coleby chaired the Petroleum Fuel Usage Committee. He was a proponent of the Petro-Caribe initiative and believed that it could benefit The Bahamas 

On behalf of the Progressive Liberal, I express my heartfelt condolences to the family of H. Vincent Coleby and may his soul and the souls of all the dearly departed rest in peace.

Last Week's Column