We are watching very carefully what is happening in the United States with regard to the sexual harassment issues which have been raised with the confirmation of a Judge to the United States Supreme Court. Given that this era is that of the Pax Americana and the reach of the US and its legal institutions are so extensive, we have an interest in what happens there. The United States as the cultural pacesetter for The Bahamas is an important barometer as to where we are on women’s rights and the power equations in societies like ours. Way back in 1991 a woman named Anita Hill made allegations of sexual harassment against a Judge Clarence Thomas who was about to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. A panel of old white men laughed her out of existence, obliterated her reputation and ignored what she had to say. Since that time women seemed to have come into their own with the Me-Too Movement and all. One powerful man after the next was dispatched because of their sexually predatory behaviour which they exercised by virtue of their position or office. Now we come to the President Donald Trump who is a serial harasser and trasher of women and the appointment of a man to the Court who is again accused of being the same. It looked up to Friday 28 September that the all white male panel was going to do it again but Jeff Flake, one of the Republican Senate majority blinked, and has asked for the FBI to investigate. The bloody minded Republican party therefore does not have the votes to confirm the Judge and so had to pause for a week, they said, to allow the FBI to investigate. So, we will see. The Judge is Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser is Christine Blasey Ford. She is a University Professor like Ms. Hill.