In The Bahamas If You Are Gay It Is Acceptable To Kill You It Seems
Almost as soon as Latore Mackey’s death was reported than the subtext began to emerge, cialis sale shop the attempt to trash the man’s reputation by a series of stories on the web about this or that or the next. Lot of nastiness which bears not repeating. We say as was said in this week’s editorial. The man is dead for god’s sake. That is the important thing. What does bear repeating though is the shocking ignorance, cialis prejudice and hatred from amongst many of our citizens. We believe that in this toxic atmosphere once they can smear you as being gay that makes it acceptable for you to be killed. This is fed widely on the web
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. We carried a report on this site before on the number of murders that were based on being gay. They were not identified as such but the research shows that they were and how in most cases the cases were unsolved or where someone was brought to trial all they had to say was they were defending their manhood and the jury would let the person go. One correspondent for this site said that he was appalled when at the site of a demonstration recently policemen were gathered watching women demonstrate for gender equality only to have a policeman say on the scene: “ what these sissy gals need is some cock.”. That is an unacceptable comment from any public official.