03/09/25 9:08 AM

Public Disclosure Chair Victor Cooper ( Tribune Image)

The annual ritual of Members of Parliament and Senators filling out their disclosure of income, assets and liabilities came and went on 1 March 2025.  When the Chair of the Public Disclosure Commission was asked by the press the annual question about who had disclosed, he said that the office was in such bad physical shape that this would delay people being able to disclose because they had to move in new quarters and that had been delayed. That did not stop the Leader of the Opposition Michael Pintard who cannot resist a comment in the face of the demand of a microphone in his face saying that was no excuse for people to disclose.  We think that public disclosure should be abolished.  It is a complete waste of time and a security issue for those who disclose.


Fred Mitchell In The Straw Market

03/09/25 8:57 AM

From Facebook:

So I was pleased to be back in the straw market with my friend Franklin Ferguson owner of I Dream Of Sugar, the ice cream and candy store on Bay St, and son of fallen Stalwart Councilor Franklin Sr, who is also a friend and promoter of the straw market, and I happened to acquire my 55th God child, ( I tell my friends they should pick young godfathers) 😀. Chloe was the star of the show today. And then straw vendor Ms Sands welcomed me again.

Fred Mitchell MP

Fox Hill

6 March 2025


Congratulations To Rev. Sabrina Pinder

03/09/25 8:43 AM

I was pleased to join the congregation of St Mark’s in Fox Hill tonight to mark the 8th pastoral anniversary of the Rev Sabrina Pinder in Fox Hill. Congratulations and to Bishop Carrington Pinder as well. Preaching the message was Bishop Mark Knowles.

Fred Mitchell MP

Fox Hill

4 March 2025


Fred Mitchell In The Candy Store On Bay Street

03/09/25 8:42 AM

From Facebook:

It was a privilege to tour the establishment of Franklin Ferguson, son of Stalwart Councilor Franklin Ferguson Sr, late of Acklins. It’s called I Dream of Sugar. They sell delicious ice cream and candies of every description. Then they have the upstairs where a Fox Hill cook prepares local and international dishes and live music on weekends with outdoor dining on the balcony. Congratulations.

Fred Mitchell MP

Fox Hill

6 March 2025