07/21/24 11:28 AM

The House of Assembly on its last sitting before the summer recess on Wednesday 17 July 2024 passed three bills into law.  One bill to regulate marijuana in the country.  This is welcomed and long overdue.  The cranks of the Bahamas Christian Council came with their foolish commentary, a day late and dollar short. They are always behind the times. They didn’t want the Sunday shopping laws to change and predicted doom and gloom. Result no such thing. They didn’t want gambling laws to change, and the result had no impact despite their predictions of doom and gloom. Now they are at it again with marijuana laws.  They need to go find Jesus Christ.   Next came the bills to improve the intellectual property rights of Bahamin artists.  This again was long overdue.  Ray Munnings, the author of Funky Nassau was in the gallery as the bill passed.  We hope that this genuinely helps artists protect their works and collect fees for the use of their works.  Both parties in the House FNM and PLP agreed to the bills.  Fred Mitchell spoke on both bills.



07/21/24 11:19 AM

Right after Kwasi Thompson, the most compelling of the speakers for the Opposition was Shannondon Cartwright, their Deputy Leader, but he fell into error when he addressed the Parliament on the bills to consolidate and reform the intellectual property laws of The Bahamas.  He was doing great on 17 July 2024 in the House until he ventured into talking about crime.  He blamed the PLP for the murders in the country.  That is ridiculous on the face of it. He was pounding on the table but not one suggestion as to what more he wants the PLP to do.  Does he want the PLP to sit a policeman in every house and stop every young man who wants to run out and shoot someone with a gun?  That is farcical.  The problem is having failed themselves to stop the murder run even with a state of emergency, they have no moral authority to speak on the subject.  So they need to give it a rest.



07/21/24 11:14 AM

Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell officially opened the new headquarters of The Bahamas in South Florida on Biscayne Boulevard in Maimi, Florida on Saturday 20 July 2024.  The Consul General Curt Hollingsworth led the occasion and the blessing was done by Rev Fr. Denrick Rolle of St Agnes Episcopal Church in Overtown in Miami. Thank you to Chala Cartwright and Joy Newbold for their work in ensuring that this got done.  The new home will provide more spacious accommodations for the larger staff complement and for the increased demand for consular services in the South Florida community. We were joined by the Consuls General of Haiti, St Lucia and Suriname.



07/21/24 11:12 AM

Statement from The Consulate General of The Bahamas, Miami

On the Passing of Dr. Enid Curtis Pinkney

For Immediate Release

18 July 2024, Miami, Florida, USA

It is with profound sadness that The Consulate General of The Bahamas, Miami, extends condolences to the family of Dr. Enid Curtis Pinkney on behalf of the Prime Minister of The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Hon. Philip Davis and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. Frederick Mitchell.

Dr. Enid Curtis Pinkney was the daughter of the late Bishop Henry Curtis of Port Howe, Cat Island, Bahamas and his wife, the late Lenora Curtis of Rokers Point, Exuma, Bahamas. Her parents were Bahamian pioneers in South Florida, and she carried on their legacy in a way that embodied a deeply rooted pride for her Bahamian heritage by representing and retelling the influence and the impact of Bahamians in South Florida.

Dr. Pinkney was well known in the South Florida community as an educator, historian, author, activist, and preservationist. She organized and led many community and advocacy groups on behalf of Blacks and Bahamians in South Florida.

Notably, she saved the Historic Hampton House Motel from demolition by Miami Dade County, and persuaded Miami Dade County to buy the building, so it can be restored into a historical landmark. Today, it is the only Black Motel still existing in Miami from the days of segregation.

Additionally, she was the organizer and former chair of the Lemon City Cemetery Community Corporation, where she again galvanized support and gave leadership to the preservation of a Black abandoned Cemetery which also held the remains of many Bahamian pioneers. Her diligence in preserving this site restored the dignity to those who had gone on to their eternal rest.

In July 2023, on the occasion of the 50 th Independence of the Bahamas, The Consulate General of the Bahamas, Miami, honoured Dr. Pinkney for her unwavering leadership, service, and advocacy on behalf of Bahamians in South Florida.

May Her Soul Rest in Peace.



Fox Hill Raises The Flag

07/21/24 11:07 AM

The Fox Hill Community’s Annual Flag Raising on the Fox Hill Parade Grounds 14 July 2024. Led by MP Fox Hill Fred Mitchell with the Pastor’s Council, the Fox Hill Festival Committee, and the Fox Hill Cultural Committee. Bishop J Carl Rahming presided. Rev Dinero Rahming preached the sermon. Bishop Carrington Pinder and Rev Sabrina Pinder attended with Revs Warren Anderson, George Bodie, and Sherelle Saunders. Warren Davis, Desiree Gibbs, Ida Symonette, and Jacklin Brice, Jamaal Davis organized it with the Pastors Council of Fox Hill. Thank you to the 12th Bahamas Scout troop for raising the flag. The children of the Fox Hill Urban Renewal with Sonia Kemp. The Fox Hill Seniors with Beverly Bethel. Congratulations all on the 51st anniversary of the independence of The Bahamas. With help from Foreign Affairs protocol volunteers Edward Thompson, Lakishna Mackey, and Tyrone Williams. Photos by Calvin Brown Jr RBDF


Fox Hill Branch Meeting

07/21/24 10:52 AM

Fred Mitchell thanking Shirelle Conliffe of Leno for her presentation on the value of saving at the PLP Branch meeting Monday 15 July 2024 at the Fox Hill Community Centre. With NGC Member Jamaal Davis and Branch Chair Ida Symonette