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The photo shows Chief Councillor Leonard Dames, discount cialis buy Exuma MP Anthony Moss, sildenafil Ministers Michael Halkitis, Fred Mitchell and Danny Johnson at the Exuma Meeting (from 5th to 9th to the left) with other local government members in Exuma at St Andrew’s Community Centre , Georgetown on Thursday 18th September.–Editor |
As Fred Mitchell walked out of the public meeting in Georgetown’s St. Andrew’s Parish Hall, the young guys walked up to him to say they were tired of all the long story. “Look at us,” they said, “we don’t want no handouts we just want to work.”
It turns out that the project that they were talking about has been approved but it has not made it down the chain to the man on the street, thus it is just like the decision was not made
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The meeting was remarkable. At least 300 people showed up and it is hard to know what they expected from the meeting. Much of the information they probably heard before but there was lots of talk about how it was a first for the island of Exuma to have a consultative meeting with their public officials.
The meeting was convened by the Local Government Council headed by Leonard Dames. It was impressive by any standard. There were Bahamians and non-Bahamians alike, all interested in what was going to happen to Exuma. This is an island with tremendous potential that seems to have come to a full stop in terms of its development or in the perceptions of the people. There is a credibility gap. Many feel abandoned. The PLP won the island in good and bad times and people are now impatient for results: the new track, the primary school, the improvements to the airport, the economic empowerment of its people.
Those who have never been ought to go to see Exuma. This is the most beautiful place on earth. The people are also great. They are hardworking and industrious. They see their island has a lot of potential and think they are not getting a fair shot at its development. Some of it is demand for infrastructure: the hospital, now built but unopened, the tourism product, new hotel plant, simple as some gas stations and some convenient places to buy cheap food, the revival of agriculture, the hiring of the local work force without competition from foreign encroachers.
Anthony Moss, the MP, has done a hell of a job keeping it together in the face of this. The place is just bursting to break out.
People are dissatisfied with the Sandals resort. They believe that they do not get paid fairly for their labour at Sandals and yet it is the only game in town.
The PLP has some hard decisions to make as it faces the next general election. If it is to save a place like Exuma, there needs to be some immediate attention paid to its development, more than just hills and dales, brick and mortar but to tap into the perceptions, ambitions and aspirations of its people.
Michael Halkitis, Danny Johnson and Fred Mitchell, all ministers of the government, were impressed by that meeting that night and they all know that the PLP has its work cut out for it if we are to save the seat.
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