cialis generic here thumb times;”>STATEMENT BY FRED MITCHELL MP
19 October 2014
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Last evening, doing the rounds of social media were responses to a news story run by the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas in which an individual speaking at the demolition site of one of the shanty towns uttered certain remarks which aroused much commentary in the public domain.
The Department of Immigration which is responsible for the issuance of permission to reside in The Bahamas and the enforcement of the accompanying laws are aware of the matter and the enforcement unit is investigating the matter. In addition, the matter has been referred to the Royal Bahamas Police Force.
Notwithstanding the inflammatory nature of the remarks, all patriotic Bahamians and law abiding non- nationals in this country should refrain from responding in this matter in a way which would approximate taking matters into your own hands. This is a time for reasoned response. Let the authorities deal with it.
There are agencies of the government that are responsible for protecting the integrity of The Bahamas and they should be allowed to do this work. Suffice it to say that this matter is being taken seriously.
When I spoke on behalf of the country in New York on 30th September at the United Nations, I said that this country was conscious that unchecked illegal migration could lead to civil strife that is why we are taking steps to bring the matter under control.
I again plead to all law abiding citizens to support the measures that have been announced and which I expect to come into force on1st November.
There are a number of important interdictions and prosecutions that have taken place within the last week and I wish to share that with you which I will do extemporaneously
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. I have with me my colleague the Minister for the Environment Ken Dorsett and also the Director of Immigration William Pratt.