So the cretin and the fiend that we reported on last week: Omar Archer and Hiram Kelly, the two FNM operatives who bashed the brains out of one another at a Carmichael Branch meeting of the FNM two weeks ago, are in the news again. The two were fighting over Minnis on the one hand and Pintard on the next for the leadership of the FNM. Dr. Hubert Minnis, the Prime Minister, is trying to make a comeback as leader and he has Omar Archer, perhaps The Bahamas’ most despicable human being, working on his behalf. Mr. Archer was wanted by the police and he was hiding from them on the complaint of Hiram Kelly, who is another troubled soul. But they are FNMs so why does the PLP care at all? It’s just fun watching them picnic on one another, as their leadership decries violence and criticizes the PLP on crime. But they have a criminal suspect amongst their midst. Omar Archer was ducking the police so they issued a wanted poster for him. They finally caught him in a house somewhere in south New Providence, said to be the home of a supporter of Dr. Minnis. They also say Dr Minnis arranged his bail of 4, 000 dollars which allowed him not to sleep in Fox Hill when he got arrested last week.