So The Bahamas has gotten a bye from the United States again with their tier one designation in their annual human trafficking review that they do for all countries of the world. They intrude on the laws of The Bahamas and force countries to make changes to their operating procedures with regard to trafficking offences. This year they were critical of the fact that there were no prosecutions and they say that people get out on bail too easily. Never mind the fact that in our law, one is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. However, The Bahamas has a big stick over its head from them. If we don’t pay attention then they take away defence funding and cooperation. Although that does not amount to much, the political impact will be like an earthquake for any government that ignores it. So we are tier one. Big effen deal. Well yes, we mean it: it is a big deal. But America must preach and heal itself with all the killings, racism, and other misdeeds in their history and in the present.