Hubert Ingraham Has Gat To Be Joking
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viagra canada ambulance times;”>FNM is always accusing the PLP of being corrupt. Last week we pointed out that between Loretta Butler Turner and Hubert Ingraham both of them have been opening their big fat mouths to say that the PLP is corrupt. They have not proven it; they just say it and the compliant press goes right along. Last week, cialis sales a writer to the column criticized us for calling Loretta Butler Turner “Big Sexy” or referring to her weight. They said that we must stick by the facts and the issues and leave personal things alone. That is fine and ordinarily we would agree with you, but not after the nastiness that she has spun and said about one PLP MP after the next. She needs to get as good as she gives. As for Hubert Ingraham, he said that the matter of who took the bribe to change the Board decision of BEC while he was Prime Minister, that was a matter for the police. Really! But what about letting the chips fall where they may. Is that not his usual mantra? Silence!