If PLPs aren’t careful, they are going to by a combination of unforced errors and self-centeredness end up right back in opposition where we have languished for some ten out of the last twenty years. That’s not a good batting average. When Brave Davis brought the PLP back into the light of day, the prediction was and it is still that the party needed to get and would probably get two successive terms. The last Prime Minister to do that was Hubert Ingraham in 1997. But almost one year into the term, the PLPs core supporters seem to be back into old habits: gimmie , gimmie, gimmie. The bitterness which some people are expressing is not called for, dealing with a government that has four years to go and plenty of reorganizing to do. The devotion with which people are fighting over contracts to weed the side of the road is remarkable. Meanwhile, people are unemployed, can’t get any food to eat and people who have one contract are arguing that they ought to get two. It is necessary every year to have a midcourse correction. Let’s hope that these gentle reminders on dedicated sites like this will be enough to cause people to pause and conform to the party discipline which caused us to win last year.