How Do Spell Idiot: F-R-E-D-S-M-I-T-H
discount viagra sick times;”>You sometimes wonder if this fellow Fred Smith doesn’t have a screw lose in his head, best cialis his approach to life lacks common sense or any sense of balance. On Thursday 4th December the Department of Immigration was accompanying through the Lynden Pindling International Airport 13 detainees of Chinese nationality found in Bimini in preparation to smuggle their way into the US. They were caught and were being taken to the Detention Centre when Fred Smith Q C started taking photos of the people. This was interference in a policing operation. It was also a violation of the privacy of the individuals who were detained. When he was told by an immigration officer to desist, he then got belligerent saying to the officer not to touch him and that he can do what he likes. Mr. Smith claims that he does not intend to take legal action but he wants the Immigration Department to know that they should not mess with him. Every time he opens his mouth these days, people wonder how he ever became a QC. He should be aware of one law: using abusive language to the annoyance of any person is an offence which carries a fine or a jail term
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