There is nothing it appears that constituents in The Bahamas think that MPs cannot do. The situation has become so unbearable that many people who have been doing the jobs as MPS are throwing in the towel after one term. The requests are simply too much: buying stoves, finding jobs, buying fridges, fixing roofs, buying food, paying for funerals, cutting down trees, paying for their children’s school fees. None of these from this list are the responsibility of MPs but constituents are constantly begging. The question is where does this begging come from. No one seems to understand that they have the responsibility to make their own sunshine. If there is a tree branch in the road, call the MP. Where in God’s name is the money to come from to do all these things? If you don’t, the first thing they threaten is they will not vote for the MP. Then when or if the MP gets in trouble, they are the first on the line to call the MP a thief. What a thankless job: poor salaries and ungrateful constituents.