cialis usa viagra times;”> Almost a year and a half since the Committee on the Allowances and Benefits for House Members reported, tadalafil the Speaker of the House Kendal Major spoke to the issue on the eve of the Prime Minister’s budget presentation which comes on Wednesday 27th May. Mr. Major said that there is a need to increase the allowance for office and staff and to increase the allowance which members have to spend in their constituencies. The amounts are 1500 per month now for an office and staff. The Committee has recommended that be increased to 2500 per month. The present spending allowance for MPs is 50,000 per year. The Committee has recommended that be increased to 100,000 per year, We agree and we think that it is long overdue. The whole thing got derailed by Candia Dames and the Nassau Guardian raising the red herring of MPs wanting to increase salaries. That too should be increased but no specific increase was recommended by the Committee. Things just take too long to get done in this country. Simple things.