Homophobia, Prejudice And Intolerance By Bahamians On The Web
This is an example of the kind of prejudice which Bahamians some of whom have served in public position believe that it is okay to spin in the name of freedom of speech. This was posted on Facebook ( Editor)
Gary Hutcheson
GAY rights ?A misnomer males and females are guaranteed rights under our Constitution if anyone is confused with their gender ask another who is not in your circle who you are. Anyone who has a problem with their identity just ask areal male or female
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. Since these LBGT have gone on the offensive most Bahamians are silent. Closet punks or sissies? Guess what these confused individuals have already let their kind know about you. Punk
Ha, how ambitious; in that PRIMITIVE and PROFOUNDLY ignorant country that is rampant with murders/criminal/drug runners’ seabed. LMAO!!!
Friends of mine that stupidly visited that country were attacked and called names; DESPICABLE! HORRIFIC place! Too many poorly educated people; SAD!!!
Your Tourism is down because you don’t teach your children that Gay people are in the millions all over the world. You murder Gay people and treat them like shit falling from your ass. Who would subject themselves to come to that hypocrisy for a country and its derelict people? Senseless friends as mine. SHAMEFUL that country!
Fred Mitchell is Gay! He should be out there advocating for Gay people; he is not; too busy flying around the world and spending the people of that hood country’s money.
who ever left this post is doing a grave disservice to fred mitchell. the writer is being just as homophobic as the people he says in the bahamas are. mr. mitchell is not homophobic whether he is gay or not is irrelevant. the only thing that counts is the content of his character. he has a sterling character and is an excellent leader. the entire public discussion in the country today on homosexuality was started by him way back in 1978, and he has continued to today most recently in the House of Assembly and at the University of the West Indies in the year 2014 . Mr. Mitchell is a fearless advocate for the rights of all people including gays. there is a saying if you don’t know what you’re talking about then shut ya damn mouth. It is clear that the writer of the statement only wrote his post it in an attempt to defame and propagandize not enlighten and so he is an example of the very thing about which he complains. prejudice, ignorance and intolerance.