Dr. Havard Cooper Dies In Freeport
Not sure what happened. The news spread like wildfire in the small frontier town called Freeport. He was a popular doctor. All that seems certain is that he was on a jet ski and it appears died in the water on Saturday 2nd August. Rest In Peace. Dr
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. Michael Darville, cialis salve the Minister for Grand Bahama posted this note on his Facebook page:
I am deeply saddened by the passing of my colleague and friend Dr. Hayward Cooper. This is a blow to the community of Grand Bahama which he served with distinction for many years. On behalf of my wife and I, viagra usa sale and indeed the people of Grand Bahama, we wish to extend our condolences to the entire Cooper family and the Bahamas Faith Ministries Freeport family on the passing of a true servant. May God comfort and strengthen the Cooper family at this time.
My family and I are deeply saddened by the death of Dr. Cooper. He was a tenant of ours in Jamaica while he was a medical student and we visited his family once after he returned to Bahamas. Although we lost touch, this news has come as a shock but are heartened and not surprised to know that he became one of the most popular and successful doctors in Bahamas. Our condolences to his family at this time and we will keep them in our prayers. May he rest in peace.
It is said that great men will always leave a legacy. Dr. Cooper did just that. A true friend, from Freeport High School, to the medical field When I graduated from University he opened his arms and allowed me to work out of his office, when Natural Medicine was unpopular, he delivered my last daughter. He was innovative and before his time. Bedside manners of the highest order with his patients, an excellent teacher. a man of patience, and a warm smile. My family extend condolences to his family and extended family. From the 1960’s until now, we the people of Grand Bahama have a special love for one another. Rest In Peace My Dear Friend
I first met Dr. Cooper when he was a medical student at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica. I found him to be soft spoken, humble and Christ-like. I had no doubt then that he would excel to be an invaluable contribution to his community. I share in the pain of losing a stalwart through such sudden death. I extend sincere condolence to the bereaved family and friends. As Christians we look forward to the day when there will be no more sorrow, crying, pain nor death. We hope in the return of Jesus Christ our soon coming King. I will miss my dear friend Greg.