Father’s Day address at the pro cathedral of Christ the King 19 June 19: 2022.
By Kelly. D Burrows.
My sisters and brothers in Christ. good morning.
let us pray!
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight Oh Lord my strength and my redeemer!
AQs we cling to the old rugged cross and giving thanks to the birth of the one who died on that cross for you and for me, I begin with the first verse and the chorus of a song written and made popular by Ray Boltz.
I’ve had many tears and sorrows
I’ve had questions for tomorrow
there’ve been times.
I didn’t know right from wrong
but in every situation
God gave blessed consolation
that my trials come
to only make me strong.
through it all, through it all
I’ve learned to trust in Jesus
I’ve learned to trust in God
through it all, through it all
I’ve learned to depend upon his word.
When speaking of a father, there are many images that come to mind. he can be a provider, a teacher, a friend, a pillar of strength, a role model, a leader, an exemplary man or husband. a father plays various roles for his children during his lifetime.
Honouring your father is a chance for you to honour him, while he’s alive, praise him, and celebrate the life he lives. It’s also an opportunity for you to appreciate his role in your life and the kind of relationship you have nurtured with him through the years.
Only a dad with a tired face,
coming home from the daily race,
bringing little of gold or fame
to show how well he has played the game; but glad in his heart that
his own rejoice to see him come and to hear his voice.
only a dad with a brood of four,
one of ten million men or more
plodding along in the daily strife,
bearing the whips and the scorns of life, with never a whimper of pain
or hate, for the sake of those who at home await.
only a dad, neither rich nor proud,
merely one of the surging crowd
toiling, striving from day to day,
facing whatever may come his way,
silent whenever the harsh condemn,
and bearing it all for the love of them.
Only a dad but he gives his all
to smooth the way for his children, doing with courage stern and
grim, the deeds that his father did for him.
this is the line that for him i pen:
only a dad, but the best of men.
Edger Albert Guest
I did not have the opportunity to have my father around during my childhood & formative years. At 3 months old, due to the hardships, my aunt sent for my mother and her children from Inagua. While my eldest 2 siblings remained with our mother, me and my brother who I followed were farmed out to our aunts, who had no children.
I had the privilege to live with my mothers eldest sister Evangelist Rosanna Culmer, of the church of god of prophecy in Lyon Road. She was mother and father to me who nurtured me with love and who never let me forget the goodness of who god is in your life. Due to her role in the church, she had a key for the church. and, with the church being in walking distance from our home, the community dubbed it sister rose church. she was a disciplinarian and the controller of the family with the means to care for the entire family and called the shots. i had to go to church 4 times on Sunday 3 times during the week, and street meetings, but after some serious planning i found a way in getting out of the street meetings.
Growing up in Prophecy I became a member at 17 of the world-famous BBB, playing the trombone. I was also in the junior choir as a tenor, and all the youth organizations at the time. coming off age it was a hard chore staying under the persuasion of my aunt, so I moved to my mother after my eldest brother got married. After going to church for all those years I rebelled and didn’t attend any church for a few years.
After attending a funeral at Bethel Baptist church, the eulogy by the late Dr. H. W. Brown seemed directed at me, when he said he’s speaking to the living and not the dead. He began his remarks with the question asking “A lot of you men in here, when was the last time you entered a church door?”
Growing up and being active in the church, that penetrated me, the following Sunday I was church shopping. thanks to an invitation to St. Margaret’s by my then brother-in-law Leroy Brathwaite , I found comfort at St. Margaret’s under the late Bishop Donald Knowles and was confirmed by the late bishop Michael Eldon in 1968.
Following a divorce in 1972 from my first wife, I decided to leave Nassau and relocate to freeport in July 1973. I found contentment at Christ the King during my many visits here and accompanied by a letter from Bishop Knowles addressed to Father Foster Pestaina I was warmly welcomed here at Christ the King where I remain to this day.
In raising my children, I instilled into them those values, qualities, character, and integrity, that was passed on to me, they have all made us proud and doing well making a valuable contribution to our society. I encourage all fathers to develop and maintain a good loving relationship with your children. as a father it’s incumbent upon you to get to know your children’s teachers, attend PTA meetings and parents days. While my children attended Freeport High, I was given a certificate as the most active parent for not missing a PTA meeting. It’s therefore important that you know your children’s friends parents. Everything that we have, everything that we are, every moment is a blessing from God. It is endless love that we breathe; it is endless love that we receive.
In the seasons of life, I have had more than my share of summers. a long run of sunny days and adventures nights filled with lucky stars, rewarding in ways I could not have imagined in those formative years growing up in Nassau that was never clearer than when in my late fifties making no attempt to prepare me for what was coming. We all have things happen to us that we don’t understand.
God has been good to me presently. I’m in remission from two detected cancers, additionally undergoing 3 major surgeries over the last 15 years. going through my trials and tribulations I resort daily to my favourite scripture verse Philippians 4:13 “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.
Accepting it for what it is, I continue to give God thanks. for his grace and mercy, with the unwavering support of my wife, children & family, my trust & my faith in God, that gives me the strength and courage to not entertain any negative vibes about my condition. I’ve been so blessed. I admonish you men on this your day is, to always put God first in your life. get your regular check-ups. Exercise. Early detection can save your life. realizing foremost in your mind that we all are in the departure lounge not knowing the day or time when our flight will be called. Philippians 3:13. Beloved. I do not consider that i have made it my own; but this one thing I do. forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. My trust in God and prayers that continue to keep me keeping on, I ask that you keep me in your prayers!
In closing my mind goes to proverbs 22:6 “train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. May your day be filled with an abundance of blessings!
May the strength of God pilot us. may the power of God preserve us. May the wisdom of God instruct us. May the hand of god protect us. May the hand of God direct us. May the shield of god defend us. May the host of god guard us against the snares of evil and the temptations of the world. May Christ be with us, Christ before us, Christ in us, Christ over us. May your salvation, O Lord, be always ours this day and for evermore.
Happy Father’s Day!!!