buy cialis shop times;”>When Fred Mitchell, viagra buy search the Foreign Minister, viagra sale spoke at the United Nations, on 30th Sept he said that immigration was amongst the three important issues that he wished to bring to the world. He said that unchecked immigration would strike at the very heart of the country’s existence and identity. He said The Bahamas had seen what had happened in other countries when immigration was unchecked and that the civil strife that happened in those other countries, the Bahamas did not intend for it to happen here.
A week later on 4th October, Mr
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. Mitchell spoke at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Moss Town, Exuma. He said a couple more things. He warned national groups in The Bahamas not play the victim card. He also appealed for a calm response and said that we wanted to avoid civil strife. All of this is in pursuance of a new set of immigration rules which are designed to ensure that the people who are in this country have a right to be here.
The Bahamas government has been aggressively mashing down the shanty towns in New Providence and in Abaco to stop that encroachment as well. The authorities have been careful to try and avoid confrontation and have appealed for cooperation. This is not a matter targeted at any national group. This is about making sure that the people who are living in this country are documented to be here. Those who are not properly document should be regularized or excluded.
Now enter a man who described himself as a Haitian Bahamian. He was opposing on ZNS TV news on Friday 17th October the move to shut down the shanty town that he was living in. We have the clip and in it he says that there are more Haitian Bahamians than Haitians and that they (the Bahamians) don’t want to start anything they can be finish.
That went viral and incensed Bahamians, some of who were threatening to take him out.
Fred Mitchell Minister of Foreign Affairs told the press that the police and immigration had been called in to investigate the matter. He told people, that they must not take the law into their own hands and must not incite problems. But this is precisely what Mr. Mitchell was trying to avoid. One stupid comment can cause civil strife.
Our advice is that those people who want to be Bahamian in law as well as in fact should get with the programme and ensure that the newly announced immigration measures succeed.
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