buy viagra check times;”>(The anti-Bahamian and racist headline of The Tribune when they should have been leading with the Bahamian defence they chose to take the Haitian side)
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no rx times;”>The Bahamian press has to take the blame for trying to give the impression that the anti-Bahamian sentiment expressed by this foolish Florida legislator Daphne Campbell has traction. One supposes they have to be forgiven because they really are in the business of selling newspapers, so any garbage goes. The Tribune said in one of Eileen Carron’s more foolish editorials that its all Fred Mitchell’s fault, that the demonstrations by this stupid lady in Florida would not take place if Mr. Mitchell had only talked to the lady; to follow Loretta Butler’s stupid line, the Minister should not be belligerent and so it’s all his fault. What a whole lot of poppycock. Eileen Carron of course is so deceitful she can’t ask for water if she’s thirsty. She is so anti PLP, so anti Black, so anti Bahamian that when the Minister of Foreign Affairs appeared in Washington to defend The Bahamas, The Tribune led with the words of the Haitian delegate instead and sought to pin the word “Xenophobia” on Mr. Mitchell. One asks the question: how a country is described as xenophobic when we accept into this country largely without incident 6.2 million visitors per year. It is so stupid and it defies common sense. Then the editorial position is in lockstep and in concert with Branville McCartney, the head of the extra parliamentary third party, who now after supporting the policy is saying that he no longer supports it because some people made claims of abuse. See the letter by Alex Storr, the Deputy Chairman of the PLP responding to Mr. McCartney in this column. Daphne Campbell, the rouge Florida legislator, announced she was holding a demonstration in Florida outside our consulate in Miami and at the seaport and the airport. If she had any support, you would have thought that the Bahamas should be trembling in its boots. The Minister’s view was that she was a fool and should be ignored and he told the press that they were paying too much attention to someone who had no support or credibility in Florida. The government issued an advisory on the matter for Bahamians travelling to Miami but they need not have since the demo which was to begin at 11, did not start until one and only mustered 8 people. So much for that. The truth is out but that we are sure will not stop the Bahamian press from hyping this so called demonstration. Anything to harm the PLP and Fred Mitchell is fair game.
(The anti-Bahamian and racist headline of The Tribune when they should have been leading with the Bahamian defence they chose to take the Haitian side)
The Bahamian press has to take the blame for trying to give the impression that the anti-Bahamian sentiment expressed by this foolish Florida legislator Daphne Campbell has traction. One supposes they have to be forgiven because they really are in the business of selling newspapers, so any garbage goes. The Tribune said in one of Eileen Carron’s more foolish editorials that its all Fred Mitchell’s fault, that the demonstrations by this stupid lady in Florida would not take place if Mr. Mitchell had only talked to the lady; to follow Loretta Butler’s stupid line, the Minister should not be belligerent and so it’s all his fault. What a whole lot of poppycock. Eileen Carron of course is so deceitful she can’t ask for water if she’s thirsty. She is so anti PLP, so anti Black, so anti Bahamian that when the Minister of Foreign Affairs appeared in Washington to defend The Bahamas, The Tribune led with the words of the Haitian delegate instead and sought to pin the word “Xenophobia” on Mr
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. Mitchell. One asks the question, how a country is described as xenophobic when we accept into this country largely without incident 6.2 million visitors per year. It is so stupid and it defies common sense. Then the editorial position is in lockstep and in concert with Branville McCartney who now after supporting the policy is saying that he no longer because some people made claims of abuse. See the letter by Alex Storr, the Deputy Chairman of the PLP responding to Mr. McCartney in this column. Daphne Campbell announced she was holding a demonstration in Florida outside our consulate in Miami and at the seaport and the airport. If she had any support, you would have thought that the Bahamas should be trembling in its boots. The Minister’s view was that he was a fool and should be ignored and he told the press that they were paying too much attention to someone who had no support or credibility in Florida. The government issued an advisory on the matter for Bahamians travelling to Miami but they need not have since the demo which was to begin at 11, did not start until one and only mustered 8 people. So much for that. The truth is out but that we are sure will not stop the Bahamian press from hyping this so called demonstration. Anything to harm the PLP and Fred Mitchell is fair game.
The demonstration in Miami against The Bahamas… lot of people there.