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There is a strange phenomenon about many voters and the people of The Bahamas. Eddie Minnis sums it up in his song: “Some People Never Satisfied”. There is no question that the people of The Bahamas are better off than they were three years ago, yet everyday there is some grumbling that they don’t have a contract or that some favour has been slowing in coming. Many of these issues are self-inflicted in that there is an inability for the public administration to act with dispatch on so many matters. It has left a bitter tase in the mouth of many who simply feel that the promises that they were made on election day 2021 are not being kept and their requests ignored. What is particularly interesting this time is the absolute frantic nature of voters, as if the world is coming to an end, if the moment a request is made there is no response from their MP. This is unrealistic, an instant response. However, the best we can say is that it is what it is and MPs be warned what is coming.