Greg Moss Has No Idea What He Is Talking About
cialis generic cialis times;”>Fred Mitchell MP declined to comment to the press when asked to respond to the comments of Greg Moss, viagra generic purchase the rogue PLP MP, who described the immigration policy to the press as “nonsensical”. Interesting characterization to say that everyone in the country has to have a passport and evidence that you live and work in The Bahamas is nonsensical; that takes the cake. Mr. Moss would also presumably like to continue to encourage the wet foot policy allowing anyone to come here illegally and get a work permit. That will continue to encourage the flow
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. Some people like to show they are smarter than everyone else, just not a team player. But as Mr. Mitchell says Mr. Moss is a PLP and when discussing the policies of the PLP he has a forum to do so. That forum is not the public domain. Now if he is no longer PLP that is another matter.
1 Comment
It is quite clear that Mr. Moss has a hidden agenda which only he alone knows. The new policy which is being introduced is long overdue. In my opinion the other leading party know that the intending policy should have been in place for a long time, but they never had the political or social will to put it forth. Mr. Fred Mitchel and the PLP government of Prime Minister Perry G. Christie should be commended for having the nerve and will to move forward with this bill thereby putting in place regulations which will bring some stability to the nation’s Immigration laws.