The government, should we say the PLP, must be very careful with the public orchestration of the fight with the Gand Bahama Port Authority. Make no mistake it is a fight, a battle to the death. Some petulant heirs who see Freeport as a plaything around which they can boast at their London cocktail parties that they own a city and a people. This must end. That is the ultimate aim of the PLP with regard to what is playing out under the theme: pay me what you owe me. The Grand Bahama Port Authority is resisting. Their surrogates are running a campaign of lies and subterfuge in the press, using Neil Hartnell to leak information day by day. Last week, they issued a statement saying that they are the regulators of the city’s power supply, notwithstanding the law passed by Parliament which makes it clear they are not. Then on Friday 5 July 2024, they leaked to the press who the arbitrators are in the upcoming fight with the Government. Again Neil Hartnell was the instrument. Anyone watching this game will know that this is a game for keeps and for all the marbles. They will try to unseat the PLP in 2026. It is that serious. The PLP beware.