The press of The Bahamas has finally caught up to where we are on the Grand Bahama Port Authority. We have been saying for weeks, if not months, that the Grand Bahama Port Authority has been shockingly derelict in their duties toward the people of Freeport. We believe the shareholders have the inability or the unwillingness to do what is necessary to cause Freeport to grow. The Bahamas government has been subsidizing the city. Now the press who up to now have been feeding the propaganda of the shareholders of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, published last week in the Grand Bahama Section of the Nassau Guardian a story about the inability of the Port to finish three vital bridges in Freeport. They keep pecking away but like Sisyphus, the rock keeps rolling back down the hill, and they never seem to finish. But we are glad that the scales are falling off the eyes of some.