(photo spread by Derek Smith)
(There is a cultural war going on in the press of The Bahamas. On the one side is pitted the high powered committee of government appointed officials who are to design and execute the Bahamian carnival as a post Lenten Festival into which the government has pledged to spend 9 million dollars. The idea is for that Festival to provide additional attractions for tourists in the Bahamas and increase spending on the tourism product and cause tourists to spend more. They have decided after much research to call it a Carnival, cialis sales purchase saying that i Carnival is recognized around the world, whereas Junkanoo, the local Festival is not. This has caused a furious row amongst the Bahamian cultural community. Led by the singer Kirk Bodie aka KB, there has been a back and forth in the press. KB stoutly opposes the idea of a Carnival and says the government is using public monies to trash Junkanoo
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. KB’s latest salvo in the press was to challenge the Minister of Culture to a debate on radio. No answer from the government. So we present the final day of Goombay Summer, a festival sponsored each Friday by the Ministry of Tourism and marking 50 years of the Tourist Ministry. The photos of the event are by Derek Smith of the Bahamas Information Services. It is all about Junkanoo. It seemed to many that this Summer Festival proved the point that KB was making. Editor)
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