This statement appeared on Facebook by the Opposition’s Shadow Minister of Transport . She was responding to the Minister of Transport Renward Wells who was patting himself and the government on the back for their so called accomplishments, one of them the corrupt deal to put the post office in the Town Centre Mall owned by Brent Symonette :
I listened with amazement at Renward Wells’ exuberance today declaring that the Post Office is “where it should be”..never mind that he and others sat around the Cabinet Table devising the plan to put that public facility in the deteriorating commercial property privately owned by a Cabinet colleague and political financier.
No matter that Wells himself claimed in Parliament, inter alia, that the publicly acquired (by them) Phil’s location all of a sudden was “structurally unsound” and when challenged recently talked about the condition of the “plywood”. This despite the fact that his own engineer’s report said the building was structurally intact and had at least another 20 years life left in it
What he did not tell you is that his administration stopped a far-advanced public/private project by a respected developer for a signature Post Office House, a technically custom-designed building with support facilities for postal workers including a day care center and cafeteria. A building to be owned by the Bahamian people. He did not mention that had they not stopped this project, postal workers would have been in reformed surroundings in 2017. He omitted to advise that their actions in stopping this project have now led to litigation in the Supreme Court.
But he wants us to believe and accept that their actions in all of this are just as it should be..