ODE.2.SPRiNG (ReVisited)
“Poesy is fine crafted for recitation.  *Key: ‘New’ = Nu”

Gently/ Washed against a crystal pearly sea lime shore line/ Slowly/ Salt waters retract/ Subside/ “Good bye,” to her Winter frost/ The first 13 Lucky Sun rays blast and beam day/ Twilight blue early morn/ Set cool air/ (Sweet)/ Rain-spray/ New sky/ Nu Love Yourself/ Nu life Adorn/ New friend Z wake Spring Equinox/ Is here once more/ Nu hope/ New dreams/ Nu pretty things/ Emerald ultra/aqua marine dreamscape and seas/ Clusters of flowers/ Fancy and phantasies/ Wings rise/Flutter/ It’s time!/ Doves Cry Her/His voice soars and sear through Heaven’s Sky on Earth/ As always thankful for the other/ Opportune to wipe wrongs clean/ Frozen as the smile on your face/ Kissing, like that beam of day light laced upon your perfect golden-bronzed skin…


(*ReView previous columns…)Bahama recording & literary artist, Newscaster Giovanni Stuart – [Ad.Lux www.nubah.com] Refer your deeper metaphorical/metaphysical introspection of this selection to e-Mail: Giovanni.Literati <jongkanu@yahoo.com> This week’s selection, an ‘Ode.2.Spring’, keeps Us mindful of the radiant healing and rejuvenating powers that live within our Zepher kissed atmosphere, especially during Spring Equinox - here in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas - Be Brilliant!  Regards, Giovanni.Stuart: *Support The Bahamas Children’s Emergency Hostel: “The Shapes of Our Union lies in Her/His Hands…