Gilbert Morris’s Take on the Flag Arrest and Trial
(This note was posted by Dr. Gilbert Morris on his Facebook page. We agree with him. Editor)
WE HAVE NO RIGHT TO ARREST PEOPLE FOR DESECRATING THE BAHAMIAN FLAG: In a free country, best viagra hospital people are free to express their outrage no matter how distasteful. Destruction of a flag in a democratic nation, cialis generic is protected by what the flag itself stands for. If – according to reports – those people of Haitian origins, who did roughness to the Bahamian flag, actually owned the flag, what is the concern of law enforcement if they chose to kiss it, wear it, wrap fish with it, burn it or drape it over one of our multitude of murder victims? That is their right. If they took the flag from Government House and mutilated it, then that would be “property destruction”; having nothing to do with the flag or its meaning
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. It is a screaming hypocrisy in a nation where we slaughter each other at a record pace that we should have time to arrest people for damaging a flag; the meaning which, if it were truly within us, should force us to govern ourselves according to the symbol for which the flag stands.