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1 Comment
Economical condition in Caribbean Country haves always been a delicate subject. The prosperity haves been very tenuous since we past from being a productive country to a touristic one. This have been our weakness depend primarily from others. Now Caribbean struggle, when over 1000 people assist to a job fare, that’s only require 600 and have to call the police to control this situation. You must know that when people are in the point of desperation,is not no more a positive sing. In this moment God Triny and God is Bajan are dead in the power of Imperialism post Colonialism phycology that command the hole spirit of typical Caribbean’s. Then we should learn how to plane, to work hard, to compete, to not rest and then probably we can heritage more the debt to our children. We must learn the significance of our significance and our significant is insignificant until we will develop a archetype of Caribbean Men and Women. To do this in necessary to learned the system from inside, outside, up and down, destroy it and recreated adjusting it to our necessity’s. Not as we have done so fare adjusting our necessity to there system. Who’s always modifying it self in its own convenience, without the imposition of a legal system that more then help, destroys our efficiency. Create condition for prosperity is not to plant a mall wear people can shop. Its to form people with wealth, true wealth. Education system, proficiently and a nation value. To progress in a country is not making greedy profit. Is taking what the country has provided for it value to create even more. To depend on banks from an other country is always a risk to high to even imagine it and with no diversification its impossible to establish something new or at least something appropriated to our country’s. The banking system who can adapt, create worth, bring prosperity must have there birth in our own system. In our microeconomic system that we can find in each street of Caribbean country’s and in this interchange of service and products. We can find small inversion that will go to our prophets and build our wealth without the dependence of other banks. Our significance will only be significant when we are able to understand how significant our we to our own.